Priya and Arjun's love story

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Once upon a time in the vibrant city of Mumbai, there lived a shy and sweet girl named Priya. She was the daughter of a successful lawyer who had high hopes for his only child. Priya's true passion lay in music and singing, and she spent her days playing the guitar and writing songs. Her ultimate dream was to become a famous singer.

Meanwhile, in the bustling city of Delhi, there resided a smart and handsome young man named Arjun. He was the son of a wealthy businessman with a chain of hotels. Arjun possessed a knack for management and marketing and had aspirations of expanding his father's business globally. He was also a lover of travel and exploration.

Fate intervened when Priya's father received a call from an old friend—Arjun's father. They had remained in touch since their college days and, with Arjun now of marriageable age, Arjun's father sought a suitable bride for his son. Priya's father, thinking of his talented daughter, proposed her as a potential match, praising her beauty, intelligence, and cultural values.

Both fathers exchanged photos and biodata of their respective children and, impressed by what they saw, decided to proceed with the proposal. A video call was arranged to allow Priya and Arjun to get to know each other and explore their compatibility.

Nervously, Priya and Arjun dressed in their best attire and waited for the call to begin. The video call commenced with greetings and expressions of goodwill from both families.

Priya's Father: Hello, Arjun. How are you?

Arjun: Hello, uncle. I am fine. How are you?

Priya's Father: I am fine.

Arjun's Father: Priya. How are you?

Priya: I am fine, uncle.

Priya's Father: We are very happy to introduce you to each other. We hope that you will like each other and agree to this alliance.

Arjun's Father: Yes, we are very happy. We are sure that you will make a wonderful couple.

Priya and Arjun: Thank you, uncle.

Priya's Father: So, Priya, why don't you tell us something about yourself?

Priya: Um, okay. I am Priya, 23 years old. I have completed my graduation in commerce, and I am currently pursuing a diploma in music. I love music and singing. I play the guitar and write songs. I also like reading, painting, and cooking.

Arjun's Father: Wow, that's very impressive. You are very talented and creative. What kind of music do you like?

Priya: Thank you, uncle. I like all kinds of music, but I mostly listen to pop, rock, and indie. I also like classical and folk music.

Arjun's Father: That's very nice. And what are your future plans?

Priya: Well, I want to become a professional singer someday. I want to record my own songs and perform on stage. I also want to travel and see the world.

Arjun's Father: That's very ambitious and admirable. I wish you all the best for your dreams.

Priya: Thank you, uncle.

Arjun's Father: And Arjun, why don't you tell us something about yourself?

Arjun: Sure. I am Arjun, 25 years old. I have completed my MBA in marketing, and I am currently working as a manager in my father's hotel business. I love my job, and I enjoy managing and marketing the hotels. I also like traveling, photography, and sports.

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