2 - Sorrow 2

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" Well, untill we meet again, mr Tom. I think highly of you and doubt you'll ever hesitate or, even worser, resist to obey me. "

Imya's smile was one of pure innocence, as if flowers were coming out of her mouth instead of words. And yet, her words were sharp and piercing, like the sting of a venomous snake. Mr. Tom knew that he had to be careful when dealing with her, that a single slip-up could cost him his life.

But even with this knowledge, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over him as he listened to her speak. She was so calm, so serene, as if she were asking him to run an errand for her instead of carry out a dangerous task every day.

Still, Mr. Tom knew that he had no choice but to comply. He was her servant, her right-hand man, and he knew what was expected of him. He took a deep breath and tried to remain calm. He knew that he had to be cautious, but he refused to let his nerves get the better of him.

He was going to accomplish this task. He was going to bring back the information that Miss Imya needed. And he was going to do it without hesitation or fear. He was a professional, and he was going to do his job to the best of his ability.

" Untill we meet again, miss Imya. "

Mr. Tom stopped the car after the bodyguards opened the mansion gates, driving in and stopping in front the mansion. He opened the door for Imya, bowing as she stepped out.

Mr. Tom's bow was one of deference and submission, as if he were admitting his place as a servant to Miss Imya. He knew that she held the power in their relationship, that he was nothing more than a puppet that she could control and order however she wanted. It was a humbling realization for him, one that left him feeling small and insignificant in the face of the powerful woman before him.

But even she had to play dirty to get there where she is.

But even as he bowed to her, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and respect for her. She was a woman who had risen to the top, who had achieved power and success in a world that was often cruel and unforgiving. And even as he recognized her power over him, he couldn't help but admire her intelligence, her cunning, and her ability to always get what she wanted.

As he turned to leave, he knew that he would have to be careful in his dealings with Miss Imya, that he would have to be vigilant and always be ready for whatever she might throw his way. But even as he acknowledged the challenges that lay ahead, he couldn't shake the feeling of excitement that washed over him. He was ready for whatever might come, ready to face it head-on, and ready to do whatever it took to see it through.

Miss Imya turned on her heels in her mansion, her heels clicking on the hard wood floor. She paused for a moment, as if considering something, then turned to one of her maids.

" Hey, is she with him? "

The tension in the room was palpable, almost visible, as if everyone knew what she meant, even those who had no knowledge of what was happening.As she spoke, her voice was low and quiet, as if she was speaking in a secret language only she and those around her understood. It was a language of secrets and mystery, a language that spoke of danger and intrigue.

" No, Miss Imya. She left with him about an hour ago. "

The maid, too, spoke in the same language, as if it was the only way to communicate within the mansion. Her words were also mysterious and cryptic, almost gibberish to anyone on the outside.

But even as the tension in the room grew, it was obvious that everyone in the room knew what was happening. They knew what was being said, even if they didn't understand it. They knew that something dangerous and mysterious was happening, and they were ready to face it, whatever it might be.

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