When Miia woke up, she was in a different room, her eyes still groggy from sleep, and her limbs ached due to the extent of her injuries. She sat up carefully, slightly wincing when she felt the sharp pain from her broken ribs. The room had off-white colored walls with a small shelf and dresser connected to the walls. On top of the dresser was a small mirror, where she caught sight of her matted curls and her overall disheveled appearance.

Her eyes were nearly bloodshot from her panic attack earlier, and the bandages around the base of her neck were crusted with dried blood. She stared at herself in the mirror. She didn't know what to feel but was disgusted. She hadn't seen her reflection in so long and hated what she saw. She looked away, tears threatening to pool from her eyes if she stared any longer. She heard faint voices outside the room before there was a knock on the door. There was a moment of silence before the door opened, revealing a pale woman with light brown shoulder-length hair and light-brown eyes. She held shopping bags from different clothing stores in her hands. 

'What is that?' Miia thought as she eyed the bags. She looked at the woman for a moment. She didn't look like a nurse or a doctor, so who was she?

Miia stayed silent as she eyed the bags placed down, and as if reading her mind, the woman spoke, "I brought you some clothes. I didn't know your size, so I grabbed a variety. Feel free to leave the ones that don't fit or you don't want in the bag so I can return them." 

Miia didn't say anything, and it felt like she couldn't. The words were on the tip of her tongue; however, nothing came out. It was honestly frustrating. She gave the woman a forced smile, but it came out more as a wince. The woman smiles, "I'm Esme, Dr. Cullen's wife. It's nice to meet you," she spoke gently. Her voice was soothing, like a mother talking to her child. 

Miia opened her mouth to respond, but the words didn't come out. Her mouth open and closed like a fish out of water. She avoided Esme's gaze, unsure of what else to do. After all, it seemed like she had made a complete fool of herself.

Volterra, Italy

The elegant halls of the Volterrian castle fell dull. The three kings were getting irritable, causing everyone else to be on edge. It had been almost a month since Edward and Bella's dramatic escapade, which nearly caused a stir. Their recklessness was maddening. They were lucky to have been given a second chance. Though Caius wasn't too keen on the idea, Aro and Marcus still need to hear him grumble whenever someone even mentions the Cullens. Marcus, on the other hand, was too withdrawn even to care. It started nineteen years ago when Marcus saw a golden thread tethered to him, Aro, and Caius—his true mate. Their true mate. 

Hope pooled through his scarlet eyes for the first time in a while. He sat up straighter, his face softened slightly. When he told his brothers the news, they were ecstatic. However, since the th+

read was newly formed, he knew their mate had just been born. His mind wondered what it'd be like to meet them, how they would meet. 

However, about fourteen years later, the golden thread's glow dimmed, and the thread tied to it withered. One day, it almost disappeared completely. Marcus stared in disbelief. The hope that once filled him was gone. This was all a few days before Edward and Bella's shenanigans began. To say that the kings were generous would be an understatement, but Aro's interest in Bella's shielding abilities was a way to get his mind off his mate's wellbeing. Nonetheless, it was easier said than done.

The three kings sat in the throne room as trials dragged on. Marcus was lounged lazily on his throne; it was clear that he didn't want to be there. None of them did. Moreover, Caius did enjoy the executions that came into play. Aro took a lot of work to read. It was always hard to tell what he was truly feeling.

Marcus stared at the dimmed thread, watching as it stretched into the distance. His eyes never left it in case, for whatever reason, they were deceiving him. 

"Incredible," he whispered as the thread began to glow gold again.

"What is it, brother?"  Aro asked, turning to the right to look at Marcus.

"It's back," Marcus murmured, "The bond... it's back." He still couldn't believe his eyes. 

"What," Caius snapped his head to the side at Marcus' words. He sat straighter on his throne as if waiting for Marcus to continue.

Marcus didn't say anything; he didn't know what to say. This was the first time this had happened. "I'm just as surprised as you are," he said after a pregnant pause.

Forks, Washington

Miia stepped out of the shower, and felt a little better. Her appearence wasn't too hard to look at. The deep ligature marks on her neck, wrists and ankles were hard to look at. They'd surely leave scars. She had brushed most of the knots in her hair our while she was in the shower, brushing it dry would've done more harm than good. She put on an oversized shirt with a pair of baggy jeans before she stepped back in the hospital room.

Even though, the town had a grey cast due to the lack of sun most of the time, Miia could tell the sun was going to set soon. She got back into her bed with a sigh, pulling her legs up to her knees as she looked outside the window. Her mind still raced with the possibilites of being found by them. They'd kill her, she knew that. To say she was scared would be an understatement.

She. Was. Terrified.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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