Happy little fam

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"But Gup baby, all are adults there. Everyone will discuss about serious matter. Nobody will play with Gup, not even Mewwie", Mew tried to convince the little one.

"Gup won fawll for Mewwie tickss", Gup pouted.

Mew sighed! He himself raised a kid alone . After Gem grew up he was kinda relieved that now he can work freely but it seems like he is again raising another Gem. So stubborn!

"Gup please try to understand. You will be bored there, nobody will play with you", Mew was almost on his knees.

"Can't you understand that he won't pay any attention to you ?", Gup and Mew both looked at the owner of the voice.

"Can't you understand that he won't pay any attention to you ?", Gup and Mew both looked at the owner of the voice

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"Gem !", Mew exclaimed.

"You, Bumblebee! Come here !", Gemini said looking at Gup.

Gup frowned but still went near him.

Gemini took Gup's hand and gripped tightly,"Don't bother Papa. Stay here. I will play with you."

"Butttt", Gup looked at Mew.

"Didn't he say that there will be nobody to play with you. Here I am giving you a big offer. Do you still want to reject it and go with him to the boring place?", Gemini narrowed his eyes.

Gup was sucking his thumb and thinking deeply. After sometimes he replied,"Otay".

"That's a bad habit stupid bumblebee", Gemini pulled the finger from Gup's mouth.

Mew smiled looking at them. He was very surprised and happy at the same time. Gemini wants to keep Gulf for him ! Mew is really glad.

"Thank you na Gem, please take care of him", Mew said to his son.

"Don't worry Papa, I will take super care of him", Gemini smiled looking at his papa .

Mew came near them and pecked Gem's forehead,"That's my baby Prince".

Mew wanted to peck Gup's forehead too. But somehow he hesitated for a moment. Then he noticed that someone's pout is getting bigger. He chuckled and kissed Gulf's forehead too.

"Behave na baby Gup, don't bother Gem", Mew walked towards the door.

"Feed him at time ok Gem?", Mew said while walking.

"Krub papaaa", Gem answered like a good boy.

"Make him sleep if he feels sleepy ", Mew advised before closing the door.

"Don't worry Papa", Gemini peeked and wanted to make sure that Mew is finally gone.

"Now pay wit Gup", someone demanded.

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