Baby Momma

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Gemini found himself infront of the door of Fourth's house.

It's been more than 20 minutes he is standing here but still he didn't gather the courage to knock the door.

Only he and God knows how he managed to come here when the whole city noticed how the son of Mew Suppasit is walking alone on the road in the early morning.

But now when he is here, those judgemental eyes are not around him , he is still unable to knock the door.

"What the hell are you doing here ?", Fourth's angry voice startled Gemini .

Gemini looked at Fourth but immediately avoided the eye contact.

"What's your intention in the early morning?"

"Umm I... I'm here to see G-Gulf", Gemini replied looking at his own shoe.

"I'm not saying that you are here to see me but why the hell do you want to see him ? What's your hidden agenda? You better spill here ", Fourth gave Gemini a stern look.

Gemini sighed! He knows it's hard to convince Fourth but he isn't blaming him. It's very normal now.

"C-Can't I just see him ?", Gemini looked at Fourth in pathetic eyes.

"No you can't. He isn't doing well lately. You will trigger him and he will be more stressed in his fever. Beside that I need your cause. You can do whatever with me but I won't allow you to hurt Gulf. You already did enough. What's still left now ?"

"Fotfot why shout in monin ? U dittub Gup sweep -----Aww! Gemgem ?" Gup's pouty face became surprised as soon as he saw Gemini.

"Geez ! Gup ! What are you doing here ? It's cold outside. Go back", Fourth ordered.

"Noiii ! Gup wan tawlk wit Gemgem. He mut be here to take Gup back. Mewwie miss Gup rwight?", a happy Gup asked.

Gemini looked at Fourth who was waiting for the answer. Gem lowered his head for a moment then said in a soft voice," I don't know about him but I do. I miss you Gup".

Gemini walked towards him and hugged him tightly.

Gup was confused for a moment . Then he smiled big and hugged Gem back.

"Enough! Now kindly enter the house you both. I'm freezing here", Fourth finally said being annoyed and those two smiled.

Fourth's mum and dad are again out of the town due to work. And Gulf isn't showing up for a long time cause Gup is sick . He needs Fourth 24/7. Fourth can't think how he will manage the work. He took 3 days off from the cafe.

This morning he went outside to buy some milk for Gup and when he came back he was too surprised to see Gemini at his door.

Of course he was angry. How dare Gem come here !

"Are you here to play with him ?", Fourth asked Gemini who was busy playing with Gup and Gup was happy.

"Are you here to play with him ?", Fourth asked Gemini who was busy playing with Gup and Gup was happy

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