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Gemini and Fourth sighed after watching the video went Viral .

It was 2 years old Gup being loved and kissed by Mew on the sofa of their drawing room. There is no doubt about the person who is behind the recording and posting. But how Mew is going to handle the issue?

"We will let Sir Suppasit know. But make sure that Gulf doesn't know about it. I'm so scared", Fourth said.

"Don't worry na. We won't let him know", Gemini assured.

Suddenly Mew came to their room and said,"Kids, I'm going out. Keep an eye on Gulf ".

He was looking very serious at that moment.

"But Papa have you.....", Gemini was confused.

"Yeah I saw everything. That's why I'm going out now", Mew said calmly.

"What ?? Why Sir ? Media will chase you now for your interview. It's not the time for going out", Fourth said in a panicked voice.

"I know. And I want to get interviewed. That's why I'm going now. Don't think too much kids. Gulf is sleeping, don't tell him anything. See you soon ", Mew left the room.

Gemini and Fourth looked at each other.

"It's going to be a long day. Don't know how everything will be sorted out ", Fourth sighed.

Gemini was watching Mew's interview with a low volume. Fourth was also beside him.

Mr. Mew are you gay ?

-"If loving a boy means so, then I'm".

But your relationship with Miss Baifern at a young age is also known to everyone. You had a son with her. So aren't you bi ?

-" If having a relationship with a girl in past means so then I'm"

Mew was so done with the questions about his sexuality.

So is it true that your lover is that kid ?

-" I've told already".

Why do you like him ?

-"Do people really need to know that ?"

Mew glared at them.

Well, Mr. Suppasit do you have any idea who posted the video? They also mentioned that your lover is a poor orphan and sick. What do want to say about it?

-" I don't really want to say anything about it but I have to. I know very well who posted this video and why. But my mentality isn't as low as them . So I won't take their name. But I would like to let that person know that no matter how much sheet they create I'll never change my decesion about them. But it's the last time. After that if they want to mess up with my life I'll take legal action. My life, whatever I'll do totally my call".

But some people are saying that your are just playing around...

-" And are they such a know-it-all about my life story?"

Mew raised his voice.

"What are you guys watching? Let me see", suddenly Gulf appeared .

Gemini was about to drop the phone but Fourth saved it.

Gulf snatched the phone.

"Hey Gulf give us back. We are watching a match ", Fourth tried to stop him but he ran to his room and locked the door.

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