chapter 13 : childs game

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The school day was finally over and me, Joshua and Molly could finally hang out. We said our goodbyes to Nick and headed off to my house.

Once we entered, we were immediately greeted by my grandmother. She gave Molly a warm handshake before quickly realising Joshua was next to her and freaked out.
It's as if a celebrity had just entered our home.

"Oh my god Joshua!! You're so big...and muscly" she smirked before giving him a tight squeeze.
He couldn't help but laugh and hugged her back.
"Hey Agnes, been a while!! You haven't aged a day." He smiled as he held onto her hands.

"Oh stop it you!" She sniggered.

"Michael!! You'll never guess who's here!" She shouted into the kitchen. Not moments after, Michael rushed into the hall and chanted as if his favourite rugby team won a match.

"Joshuaaaaa! My lad!! Looking GOOD, loving the muscles!!" He exclaimed, giving him a strong pat on the back.

"Ignore them, he's like a celebrity around here." I murmured quietly to Molly who was awkwardly watching all of this happen.

My grandparents continued bombarding him with questions.
"How's your mother?? I haven't spoken to her in a while."
"How's rugby son??"
"Did you find any ladies? Eh??"
Joshua couldn't help but laugh. He didn't even seem overwhelmed, just happy to see them again.
I decided to give them a moment to catch up and I dragged Molly up to my room.

"You weren't kidding.." she mumbled, widening her eyes.
"Pfftt yeah no, he came here with me every summer so, he's basically family." I answered as I put my backpack down beside my bedside table.

The both of us silently sat down on the bed, facing the wall. She was sitting near the end of the bed meanwhile I was sitting in the middle.

"So....." Molly awkwardly whistled as she pet her thighs.

"Nick." She continued.

I knew exactly where this was going. I sighed.
"Look- I know you don't like him, especially since he hurt me but he's trying to fix his mistakes. Give him a chance, he's not as bad as you think."

"Do you like him?" She asked, catching me completely off gaurd.
Huh- Do I like him??? As like??? Romantically?!? Is she insane!? Of course not.

"Wh- what do you mean???" I jumped up and turned to face her. Furrowing my brows.

"Do you have a crush on him?"

"WHAT- NO??? why on EARTH would you think that?? I would never ever EVVEEERR like him! I mean I do like him- BUT AS A FRIEND." I replied in a higher pitch, stumbling over my words.
I wasn't very convincing at the moment.

She just looked at me without saying a word, but she didn't need to. I knew exactly what that look meant.

"I don't!! Strictly platonic!!! Capital P!?" I continued, desperately trying to convince her...or maybe even myself.

"Good. Falling for your straight friend is not something you want to experience."

I just realised...I don't actually know if Nick is straight.
WAIT- Does he even know I'm gay???
Oh god.
What if he doesn't know and he's homophobic.
Oh my god, why haven't I thought of this before?

"Simon?? You alright?" She asked with concern, she could tell I was slowly spiralling. It's like she could smell the a..

"You're like a wolf." I mumbled, completely lost in my thoughts.

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