Paying A Visit

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Leon POV
We had just made it to Amber's house. As usual, it was on fire, but wasn't burning. A beautiful trick. I had always wondered how she did it.

As we stepped closer to the wide-array of fire in all colours of the spectrum, I found myself in awe of the natural beauty of Pyrona, the name of Amber's estate. Fang made a quick knock on the door and after a few seconds, footsteps came plodding towards us.

The door opened and a orange-haired lady greeted us. "Hello, Fang, Leon and Janet. I see you have a guest! You must be Jessie. I have heard of your current predicament."

So, Fang quickly proposed our idea and sought Amber's help. "Of course, I'm willing to do that for you—Jessie's safety is at stake! From now on, you can think of me as your personal bodyguard!" Amber agreed warmly.

"Thanks a lot, Amber!" Jessie replied gratefully.

Amber stepped out of the house and accompanied us to walk down the street. "So, where are you going?" Amber questioned.

"I think I'm going home..." Jessie said uncertainly. "Leon, will you come with me?"

"Ok sure! Come on, Fang, Janet and Amber! I have a friend who lives around here...he can help us teleport home since he is a Teleporter." I offered.

"Great!" Janet said excitedly. We all rushed to the nearest house and knocked on the door.

Upon reaching Jessie's house...
"Hey, Jessie! You're back!" Pam called. She gave me a quick wink before she said, "Go prepare yourselves! I'm cooking dinner and it will be served soon!"

The three of us ran up the stairs. But before Amber could enter the room, Jessie requested, "Amber, can you wait outside for a while? Leon and to have a private conversation."

"Oh, ok—sure! I need to call my boyfriend anyways...Knock on the door three times if I can come in!" Amber agreed.

Once Jessie had shut the door, I found myself asking curiously, "So, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Well," Jessie started, "I really like you, Leon. I've gotten really comfortable around you and there is only one thing I want to do now."

"Which is..." I prompted.

"Well, I'm ready to move in with you, but are you willing to do the same?" Jessie asked hopefully.

I was in shock for a second. But then I agreed excitedly. "Yes!" I said in a rush and hugged her excitedly, allowing her to tilt up her chin for a quick kiss.

We stood like that for more than ten minutes, until Pam called, "Dinner is served!"

The moment we opened the door, Amber gave us a teasing wink and said, "Congratulations on the moving in together!"

We were taken aback. "You could hear us?" I said, surprised.

"Yeah, of course! The doors and walls aren't soundproof!" Amber laughed. "Anyways, let's continue to be careful. This Gisela is still out there somewhere."

Leon x Jessie : Sneaky CrushWhere stories live. Discover now