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"Everything's going wrong!" – Scar lamented, leaning on Blair's arm to take some weight off hers, her legs aching from standing for so long. Her back throbbed, and all Scar wanted was to kick off those uncomfortable shoes and collapse onto a soft bed.

It was already two-thirty in the morning, and the night had been a complete disaster so far.

"Of course it's going wrong. You're only looking for guys who resemble Kingstorm. He's already enough of an ass." – Jo attempted to make herself heard over the loud music that echoed through the establishment.

Scar pressed her lips together and nearly lost her balance when Blair quickly pulled her away, straightening up as a guy twice her height approached, clearly interested.

"Hey," the stranger greeted her with a mischievous smile.

"Hi," Blair replied, sounding a bit slurred. Understandably so, considering the variety of drinks the girl had tried by that point.

Joane huffed and rolled her eyes, shoving the guy away with a stern look.

"Bye," she cut in, tired of shooing away vultures who insisted on getting close to Blair. She wouldn't let the girl end up with anyone in that "happy" state.

"Bye!" Blair chirped, waving with a wide smile, leaving the guy confused as he moved away.

"Well..." Scar grumbled. "It makes sense that I want to lose my virginity to a guy who looks like the boy I like!"

The line of reasoning seemed coherent in her head, but the terrible experiences she had, trying to prove the theory, contradicted it.

The three shots of vodka, two drinks, and countless songs she danced to with her friends while preparing to approach a guy were a complete waste. The four guys she spoke to were a disaster.

"Hey, doll... Is your dad a pirate?"

"Sorry, I have a girlfriend."

"Do you like being filmed?"

"That's a glamorous heel! Where did you get it?"

The girl winced just remembering the terrible attempts to find someone, starting to regret the risks she took to be there.

"Hey, think about it this way..." Jo caught her attention. "Suppose we go to this party at Brad's place and by some miracle, he falls in love, declares himself, asks you out, and everything else... You'll have him, you'll be tied to that weird crush you have on that stupid blondie." She paused before taking a deep breath and grabbing one of Scar's shoulders. "But tonight... Tonight you can choose anyone, someone different. Someone who's the opposite of Brad. It's your chance to meet other people before you're sure it's that sneaky fucker you want," she suggested, trying to encourage her.

Scar pondered Joane's words.

"I don't know if it's the alcohol, but you seem to make sense..."

Jo furrowed her brow, about to say something, but was silenced by Blair's excited shout next to her, speaking to a stranger.

"I got a B+ on my math test! Yay!" The brunette raised her hands, spilling some of her drink. The guy furrowed his eyebrows, amused by the girl, who was more excited than anyone else in that place. "Profesor Marie can kiss my ass! 'Pay attention, Blair Webb!' 'Stop looking out the window, Blair Webb! Your future isn't there!' 'Put down that phone, Blair Webb.' 'That's why you're going to fail, Webb Blair.'" She imitated the teacher's tone, laughing excessively and scaring off the guy she was talking to, who walked away.

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