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The next morning I wake up in one of the most comfortable beds ever. It's only when I open my eyes and look around the room I remember where I am.
Rafe Cameron's bedroom at Tannyhill.
When I sit up the first thing I feel is this unstoppable pain in my head. I let out a small moan of pain as I touch my forehead. "Shit.." I grunted.

It doesn't take me long before I notice Rafe sleeping next to the bed on the floor. Lucky for me it's early and from what I heard, Rafe Cameron isn't an early bird. So I quickly, although very quietly and carefully, get out of his bed and go to the bathroom. "Fucking Christ..." I mumble as I notice my reflection, I look scary. My hair is all messy and the bags under my eyes got even darker. Does vodka make your eye bags darker? Hm, interesting thought.

I jump a little as I hear Rafe breathing a bit louder. "Fuck.." I just don't wanna talk to him after last night. I check if he's still sleeping and quickly wash my face.
"He doesn't even have a brush?" I roll my eyes and put my hair in a ponytail.
I quickly grab my bag and on tiptoes run out of Tannyhill to my bike. "And she's alive!" I smile as I see the bike wasn't stolen or even more destroyed. Who would steal this shit thought.

As soon as I arrived to the Cut I didn't even go home, I went directly to the Chateau. Not in the mood to deal with the Maybank household. Even though he was probably out right now I didn't even want to be in the house, or alone.

"Hey guys!" I greet everyone as I arrive to John B's. That one is still sleeping on a couch outside the house while my brother with Pope were talking on the porch.
"The Kook!" Pope imitates a terrified face and Jj fins that amusing. "Don't come to close! You're probably contaminated or something!" he laughs and I roll my eyes. "You guys are hilarious" I grab a cigarette from Jjs and light it up.

"So, how was it?" questions Pope and my head hurts even more as I try to remember something. "Yo you don't look too good" "I'm fine, just hungover. Like a lot" I admit, "what have you done" asks Pope, "I did the drinking queen game shit..I did it. But I got pretty sick after that" the smoke comes out of my mouth as I speak.
"Jules you're gross" he says, "your sister is gross Jay" "don't act surprised, I live with the thing" provoked my brother and I punched him in the shoulder.
"Whatever it wasn't that bad, I barely talked to any Kooks to be honest" I say and drop my cigarette as soon as it was dead.

"What's up!" Kie jumps out of nowhere and manages to wake up John B.
"Kiara!" he groans and she giggles. "Jesus what happened to you?" she asked with her eyebrows raised as she noticed me. "Partied with the Kooks" whispered Jj. "Julienne Maybank, what?" she exclaimed and I signed as I laid down on John's front porch.
"Nothing, it was nothing. Change of discussion please" I suggest and John B gets up of his couch.
"What about fishing, swimming whatever" he proposes and for once I actually don't see a need to argue with him. Arguing with John is too fun.

"I'm in" nods Pope and we all follow John B to the HMS Pogue. "This summer will just be awesome I can feel it!" grins Kiara as she laid on the seats in the boat.

"What if I end up in jail" says my brother and I punch him. "Why do you say that?" I roll my eyes. "I don't know, it was just a thought man. No one knows what's gonna happen. Maybe Pope is gonna get eaten by an alligator" he adds and puts his sunglasses on.
"You're an asshole" signs Pope.

We spend the rest of the morning on the water. Jj brought the speaker he stole somewhere so we had music the whole time. We stopped at random places to jump and swim around the HMS. We drank and danced. Typical Pogue hang out. I honestly don't know what I would do without them. Without my family.

"I love you guys" suddenly declared John B, "I was just gonna say that!" I exclaim and place my head on his shoulder. These are the moments where I can truly forget about all the shit at home.

sweet lies | rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now