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"Go surf I'll go to Barry's" I sign and take the money dad left on the kitchen counter before leaving this morning. "Will you get the beers too?" "He's got enough in the fridge now" I reassure Jj and he nods. "You sure you don't want to come?" "of course I want to but someone has to do it alright" I take the joint from his mouth and throw it down. "Hey that's not cool Jules" "just go, don't do anything stupid" I say before leaving for Barry's.

"Maybank! Come, please" waved at me Barry from his window. This place really smells like shit. I enter in the trailer and he throws me a plastic bag with my dads order.
"Want something? Water, beer?" "who is snoring here?" I ask without answering his question. I couldn't not hear it. This person was snoring like fucking loudly.

"Oh that's just Country Club, he crashes here. Whatever man" he looks desperate, I can't blame him. I wouldn't want Rafe to crash at my place either. I glance at the couch where I find Sarah's brother asleep. He looks just like the morning after the party.
It's incredible how can anyone seem so kind and calm when they're sleeping. Luke looks like that too actually.

"Why doesn't he sleep at home. His villa has like twenty bedrooms or shit" "shit man I don't know, he just comes here pretty often lately. Takes some cocaine then sleeps here, he pays pretty well so at the end of the day, I don't really care" explains Barry as he runs his hand through his hair.

"Oh and the money love?" "shit I almost forgot, here" I hand him the cash and puts the cocaine in my bag. "Hey Barry, can you give me some water!" suddenly mumbled Rafe from the couch. His face was hidden with his hands.
"He speaks" I mumble and Barry groans. "Man just get up and take it yourself bro" "I can't ..." he goans and throws a pillow against the wall.

"Who's that chick you're talking to" he then asks slowly getting up, "Maybank" "Juliette?" I hear him now right behind me. I turn around to face him and find myself looking at a Rafe I never saw before.

He looks all so sleepy. His hair is all greasy and eyes are small. "What are you doing here" he says with his low voice. "Like always" I show him the pack of coke and he immediately goes to the table by the couch he just slept in.

He pulls the white powder out of his pocket and makes a line with the rest of cocaine he had and sniffs it all.

All I see is Luke right now. It almost gives me goosebumps.

"I'll let you two now, I need to get to a client it's more important. Behave Country Club" suddenly Barry grabs his bag and winks at us before leaving.

"Barry!...shit" Rafe covers his face in his hands and falls down on the floor to my knees. That's when the weirdest moment of my short life happened. Rafe Cameron literally hugged my legs.

"...Rafe what are you doing?" I slowly questioned as he didn't say a word. "Rafe this shit is weird" I add because he doesn't reply. "I'm sorry..." he suddenly says staring at the floor when he got up. "It's- I mean...wait Rafe" I struggle to find words for this. I mean I barely knew the guy and from the little I knew, I knew I didn't wanted to know more. However he looked so desperate and in need of help in that moment.

"Everything good? You kinda scared me right there" he doesn't answer and just sits on the couch.
"Okay, fine. Anyway, I'll go. You have fun..." I glance at him before walking out of the trailer.
"Wait Jules!" I hear him crying out of the trailer. Jules, he actually used my name.

I sign and turn back around to go see him.
He's still on that old smelly couch of Barry's. his legs are shaking and he keeps mumbling some shit to himself.

"Rafe...what's going on?" I ask without trying to scare the shit out of him. "I'm just a little lost right now..." he admits, his voice sounds hesitant and is pretty shaky. "I can see you're not okay. My dad would be like this too sometimes you know...I know you won't like hearing this but you'll have to talk to someone eventually, I don't mean me but like...anyone" as I say that I can feel his eyes on me, "you have a family that loves you Rafe, they can help you" I finish and he is looking me in the eyes. His eyes feel so intimidating for some reason.

"I'm sorry about your dad" he shakes his head and stands up. "You should go" "are you sure?" "yes, just go" he nods so I get out and and run to my bike fastly.

sweet lies | rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now