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When we arrived to the bonfire it was already dark. I was wearing my bikini with a pair of shorts and sneakers.
There was already so much people here, mostly Kooks but I spotted some familiar faces.

"So where is he?" questioned Pope as he noticed I was scanning the crowd with my eyes. "Probably with Top or something..." I mumble, "Topper? You said it was a Pogue?" scoffed Pope and I realized I forgot he was talking about Joshua.

"Top? Because he hates him!" I exclaim in panic, "they have this beef..." I giggle nervously and he nods with a not very convinced look.

"I got the drinks!" we hear Jj saying as he comes closer to us with multiple cups of alcohol. "Thank you man" John B drinks almost the whole drink as soon as he got it. "Slow down, geez" roller her eyes Kie.

Meanwhile they were all talking I tried to find Rafe, or Josh, in the crowds. "Actually Jules" then says Jj, "just saw your man by the grill over there" he points in a direction and I nod. I make my way to where he pointed out and find Josh standing by the grill, talking with another dude.

"Hey!" I wave at him and he immediately rushed to me. "Julienne, how are you?" he smiled and gave me another beer. "All good- actually I wanted you to meet my friends" I smile, at least it's done. "Sure" he smiles and I drag him back through the groups of teens to my friends. I immediately panic as I see Rafe, Kelce and Topper talking with my group.

"Isn't that-" "yeah" I nod and approach them with Josh. That one has already his arm around me.

"Man we don't want any troubles, seriously-" "Pope don't be a pussy, he clearly deserves that punch!" groaned my brother and Rafe found that amusing.

"What's going on?" we come over and everyone's head turn to us. My eyes meet first with Rafe's. Hard to tell if he's high or not right now. He sure looks beautiful though.

"Another Maybank, great" signs Kelce. "And she has a boyfriend" smirks Rafe and I roll my eyes. "Yo man, still here, and you still called us dirty Pogues again" suddenly whistles Jj and Rafe looks back at him. "Yeah whatever man, I don't even know if my hand deserves to come in contact with...your face" he says making his two friends laugh, "don't wanna get sick" he provokes. "Look, why don't you let us be, just move a bit. This ain't an only Kook party" then says John B. "Like if that ever stopped you" rolls his eyes Topper. "Topper, if you think we want to spend time around Kooks, you're wrong. We do have to work somewhere though- you have never even cleaned out the kitchen for all I know" snapped back Kiara, "right, cause it's always the Kooks the worst. The dumb ones, the violent ones-" "well actually, yes that's exactly how it is" I then say loudly.
"Maybank, why do you think there is this Pogue Kook thing anyway?" raises his eyebrows Rafe and I gulp at making eye contact with him. "No, tell me, enlighten me Rafe Cameron" I fake smile, "I mean let's be real, it's obvious a Pogue started that shit anyway" "for once they did something useful" adds Kelce, "yeah. Whatever, this all started because you guys are jealous" he smirked. "Cause we actually have a future" smiles the eldest Cameron sibling, why would he say that? I know the Pogue Kook thing was still a thing, even though we happened but I thought he could calm down a bit.

"I mean y'all just gonna end up like your old man's, John B? Dead just like yo old man-" in that moment John B was suddenly on top of Rafe punching his face hard. Everyone around us ran to see the show. Of course Jj had to act mature, he punched Kelce as he was standing next to him and Pope had no choice but to start the fight with Topper before he could attack Jj.

"Guys stop!" I hear Kiara screaming. Almost everyone was laughing and cheering as they filmed the whole thing. "Rafe let go!" I yelled as it was now Rafe on top of my friend. He was practically choking him. Choking John b.
How can be someone so soft and loving but one of the most violent people at the same time?

"Stop!" I cried out when suddenly we heard the cops arriving. "Shit!" "let's go man!" yelled Kelce as everyone started running around in panic.

I felt suddenly Rafe's arm grabbing me and before I knew it I was sitting in the passenger seat of his truck.

I didn't even say anything at the beginning, it was all too fast. We just sat there as the only thing we could hear was each other's heavy breathing and the screaming outside.
He quickly drove away, "Rafe what the hell?!" I then yelled and he didn't answer. He just kept on breathing heavily. When we arrived to my grandfather's home he slammed the door of the truck as he got out.
"Rafe?!" I yelled and he just walked in the house opening the fridge for a bottle of beer. I quickly grabbed that one and put it back in the fridge.

"I think that's enough isn't it" I mumbled and he just walked away and fell down into the sofa.

"Was that necessary?" I then whisper and he lets out an ironic chuckle. "He attacked me, okay? Don't- Don't make me the bad guy here Jules" he denied. "You were choking him" I barely articulated, "I- I wouldn't kill him" "I hope so?! Rafe, I don't get it. Okay we're a secret, that doesn't mean you have to insult my whole blood line and my friends!" "I don't care about them ! Plus how are we gonna make them believe we are not hooking up if we stop hating each other publicly!" He screamed.

"Rafe- shit- I don't know, plus I left them there... this is bad.. I mean- They maybe got arrested and I just- I just didn't" "yeah I saved you, don't thank me though" he signs. "I left my friends there" I shake my head, "shit Rafe, look at your face" I then mumble as I approach him and notice how beaten up he got.

"Hold on" I say and go grab a towel then wet it in boiling water. "Is that gonna help?" "I don't know, my mum used to do that" I explain and then gently press the hot towel against his red mark under the eye. He let out a quiet moan of pain. "Yeah well it will hurt a bit" I explained and checked for other wounds. "It's not bad" I then say, "You are going to have a black eye-" my phone ringing interrupts me so I pull it out with my other hand. "Who is it?" asks Rafe, "Kiara" I mumble and pick up, "Hey Kie-" "Jules! Where the fuck are you?!" "Uhm..." I look at Rafe, "with Josh, he got punched we quickly ran away before the cops came- I'm just helping him right now" I notice Rafe rolling his eyes, "okay, we thought the police caught you or something. Don't ditch on us like this man" I hear her relief and I'm just glad no one got arrested. "Yeah I'm sorry, he just got really scared" Rafe mouths a no I wasn't, "is everyone okay?" I ask ignoring him. "I'm fine, the three of them...will be fine" "fuck, is it really bad?" "nah, I mean there will be a black eye that's for sure, Jj was mostly bleeding from his nose but they're mostly mad. Probably planning a murder at the Cameron house" I quickly stand up and walk away from Rafe as he heard what Kiara said, "they really want round 2?" he says and I go to the bathroom. "Was that Josh?" "he's kinda...dizzy. Anyway, gotta go, bye" I hang up and go back to Rafe.

"Can you not talk when I'm calling my friends?" I exclaim and he groaned. "I think you keep forgetting who started the whole fight in the first place" he shook his head. "I can't do this right now" I sign and go to the bedroom.

sweet lies | rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now