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"Hey Jules! What's up?" I feel Josh's arm on my back as I try to go down the stairs. "I'm gonna go" I said without looking at him, "whoa slow down, want me to drop you off" "no I uh, I need to be alone right now" I shake my head and without waiting I rush down the stairs.

When I'm in the first floor there's even more people than upstairs. My hair is sticking to my face just like all the sweaty bodies on me.
I stop walking for a second as I can't even see straight. My head is spinning and I barely feel my legs.

"Jules!" I feel a slap on my face and see Barry's face as I open my eyes. I'm laying on the cold wooden floor and I am surrounded by a bunch of heads observing me from above.
"Come on" he groans and pulls me back up. "Let's get you out of here" he picks me up and walks out of the mansion.

"Here take the helmet" I sit on his bike and he puts the helmet over my head. Barry sits in the front and before I know it we're already on the road heading back to the Cut.
I place my head on his back and close my eyes.

In about fifteen minutes I feel the bike slowing down and he pulls me back on the grass.
"You really are your fathers daughter huh" he helps me get to the trailer and I push his arms away. "I can walk" I protest and fall into the couch as he lets me go.

"Fucking hell man" he signs as he is looking at me, "okay before you fall back asleep Maybank just know you gotta be out of here before twelve a'clock. I have a lot of clients coming and ya know how it goes" "sure, I'll be out before you know it" I nod and make myslef comfortable on this not so comfortable couch.
This is exactly the couch Rafe was sleeping on I think to myslef.
"Are you smelling my couch right now?" he asks with disgust in his face. "What?! Shut up, no I'm not" I snap back and he just lets out a big sigh. "Kids and alcohol" he mumbles and goes into his room.

The next morning I wake up to loud rap music playing from Barry's speaker.
"Mornin" I yawn as I step in his garden and see him preparing a bunch of drug packs on his table. "Star of the night" he smacks his lips and points to a water bottle next to him, "in case you need" "wow who knew Barry was so carin" I open the bottle and drink a big amount of it. "Well looking at the situation you were in last night I think anyone would help you" "yeah...what were you doing there anyway. Becomin a Kook already ?" I question and he chuckles, "yeah sure in yo dreams. Nah Country Club begged me to come and bring some shit" "of course he did" I mumble.

"What's up with you and him though? He always asks for you when he comes over here" this kinda caught me off guard. He always asks about me? I gulp and scratch my hair. "There's nothing Barry, absolutely nothing. He's a kook I'm a pogue. There never could be anything, he said that himself" "hm" he nods not looking very convinced. "I mean I ain't gonna lie, I don't really give a fuck but ya know. You never know" he says and I let out a sarcastic giggle. "Yeah sure whatever" I give him the bottle back, "hey so I'll be going now" I tell him.
"Sure" "oh and, thank you for last night" I smile and he nods, "no problem baby girl, see ya around" "don't call me that" I roll my eyes.

When I arrive home I find Sarah Cameron standing in front of my house scrolling through her phone.

"Sarah?" I ask and her eyes widen as she notices me, "finally! Girl I've been calling you" "sorry my phone was uh, dead" I respond.
"What are you doing back here ?" "I kinda needed to see you, or just get out of the Cameron household" she explains and I giggle, "valid point" I sit on my porch and she joins me. "My father is just so cought up with work and Topper can't leave me alone after I told him a billion of times we're over. Then Rose is just...well she's Rose. Wheezie is the best she's so unproblematic but Rafe, now he brought another girl home" she groans and I scoff. "You don't say" I bite my lip.

"I just went down to eat breakfast and I bump into this girl wrapped in a towel going into Rafe's room" "she was naked?" "well yeah Jules, she was coming out of the shower and if she spent the night then they fucked that's for sure" she rolls her eyes and I just feel a mix of emotions tickling my brain. Anger mixed with jealousy burns my brain.

"Can I ask you a question?" I take the courage to ask her, after all she could help me, "of course" she smiles. "Imagine there's a guy alright but you and that guy hate each other. You always did. Your friends hate him his friends hate you" I explain trying not to make it obvious, "yeah?" "well and then you notice this guy and you have more uh...how do I put this, interactions? And like...you start to feel things but at the same time you don't know what are those feelings cause you hate him you know? But then seeing him with someone else it's just..painful?" I bite my lip after realizing how pathetic that sounds.

"That's quite a situation..." she chuckles and takes a deep breath, "well do you like this person?" "like? Like I want to date him type of like?" I joke and she nods, "well yeah" "no? Thats insane, I can't. I can barely hold my puke by looking at him" "its not about if you can or not, it's about if you feel it or not" I don't say anything back to that, "Jules you can't- we can't choose the ones we fall for" she adds squeezing my knee.

"I know..." I cover my face with my hands.

"I mean this guy he uh...he makes me want to vomit. I want to kill him, he hurt me and my friends so many times...but at the same time when I see him with another girl I want to shoot her instead and I just want him to kiss me-" I immediately cover my mouth to the realization of what I just said.

"Jules?!" "shit, I do like him?" "it's pretty obvious now isn't it?"

sweet lies | rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now