Chapter 24 - That Girl is Gone

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"Just, hold on a second. I'll help you." Azriel grinned, unable to stop his face from lighting up as he took Elain's hand and helped her swing her leg over the saddle, balancing her with his scarred hands while remaining careful to not hold on to her hips too long.

Ever since he opened his eyes that morning, he had felt a curling sensation wind up his limbs and wings, practically causing him to twitch and vibrate with excitement, as if his mind and body were preemptively cataloging the day as different. And indeed, it was different. Because between the soggy grey blur that had been the past two decades, this day was set apart in a way the others were not: today he would be seeing Elain.

And this time, it was not from a far-off distance or through a frosted stained glass, or by accident or from the sky. No. Today, was intentional. He was to be her host: invited to speak with her, to laugh with her, and if he was ever so blessed by the Mother, perhaps he would even be able to grasp ahold of her to touch— even if only by her hand to help her into a sleigh or onto a horse.

Quite simply, this day was going to be one of the best days Azriel had had in a very long time.

Which meant there had been an unnatural amount of fussing and organizing, the anticipation sending chills and nervous tension across his muscles as he shaved his jaw that morning, and a smattering of gooseflesh across his scarred forearms as he descended the stairs to the kitchen earlier than was typical, ready to pounce on Mor with a hundred logistical questions, ensuring there would be lunch and a tea service before peppering her with queries over which mare would be most suitable for a beginner rider, and perhaps also where he should put her coat when she arrived, and if Mor was going to be gone the entire time she was here, and—

"Just relax Az. She'll be fine." Mor had lifted a hand, stopping his onslaught of questions with an amused smile.

"I know. I just— I want her to be comfortable." He ran his hand across the stubble on his scalp. "She's used to a lot of... comforts... in Autumn." He finished lamely, feeling his cheeks redden as his uncharacteristic nervous attitude filtered through his embarrassed posture.

He felt like a little boy again.

Or maybe a stupid youth.

Like he was being presented to a royal princess while still dressed in his dungeon rags.

And it was stressing him the fuck out.

Mor seemed to read him, crossing over to him to rest a reassuring hand on his shoulder, her eyes soft as she lowered her voice. "Az, it's been a long time, but she's still just Elain. And you know she's never needed much to be happy."

He eyed her skeptically as she released his shoulder and crossed the kitchens, speaking over her shoulder. "Just bring her out into the sunshine and let her have some freedom without that godsdamned veil on, and I'm sure it will be the best day ever."

Azriel nodded, a grim expression painted on his face as he forced his shoulders to relax.

Mor was probably right. But it didn't stop him from fussing. Which was ridiculous, because Azriel was quite likely the least fussy creature in all of Prythian. He regularly slept on forest floors and went days without eating. Ever since being raised in a dungeon and then in an Illyrian camp, he had never been one for the finer things in life.

But when it came to Elain, he suddenly wished he had more to offer her. Like Eris. Or Lucien.

He didn't think she would judge him or his simple ways: it was more that he wanted to spoil her simply because she deserved to be spoiled. She deserved the highest treatment and the best memories with all the comforts and all the joy. If he only had one day to give her, he wanted to give her the world.

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