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As Damian lay asleep, exhaustion evident on his young face, Jason couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. His little brother had not only weathered the intense necromancy ritual but had excelled in it. Jason caresses gently through Damian's hair with an expression of affection and a silent acknowledgment of the strength the young Al Ghul had shown.

The room echoed with a profound silence, interrupted only by the rhythmic breathing of the slumbering Damian. The weight of responsibility had been heavy on the young necromancer's shoulders, and now, in repose, he seemed almost angelic, a testament to the resilience that belied his age.

However, amidst the pride, Jason couldn't shake a twinge of doubt. Had he made the right choice involving Damian in such a risky and intricate ritual? The responsibility of being a mentor and an older brother weighed heavily on him. The doubt lingered like a ghost, haunting his thoughts.

In the quiet of the room, Jason's mind replayed the events leading up to the ritual. The choice to include Damian as the Magical Necromancer had not been taken lightly. Yet, as the trio delved into the preparations, it became evident that Damian's unique magical affinity, coupled with his determination, made him an invaluable asset. The decision wasn't without its internal conflict. Jason couldn't ignore the fact that involving Damian in such a powerful magical endeavor had its risks. The uncertainty gnawed at him, and he questioned if perhaps they should have sought another magical necromancer. The potential consequences weighed on his conscience.

The only solace Jason found was in the realization that this ritual marked a singular moment. It was a one-time necessity to bring the Talon back to humanity. The decision to involve Damian had been strategic, and now, with the success of the ritual, Jason believed it had been the right call. The future, Jason knew, held challenges for Damian, but for now, he allowed his little brother the luxury of being a child and a student.

With a sigh, Jason shifted his gaze from the sleeping Damian to the door. Jason quietly closed Damian's door, leaving him to rest after the exhausting ritual. As he turned away, he found Talia, their mother, waiting for him in the corridor. The unspoken understanding passed between them, and they walked in tandem toward Jason's room. The door clicked shut behind them, enveloping them in a private sanctuary. Jason took a moment to express his regrets to Talia, apologizing for involving Damian in the complex ritual. To his surprise, Talia dismissed his concerns with a wave of her hand.

"I entrusted Damian to you with full confidence in your abilities as a guardian. My trust hadn't wavered, even after this ritual." Talia spoke with a quiet strength. "I commend you for providing Damian with the best years of his life, a childhood that I, as a member of the League of Shadows, could never have offered him." Jason felt relieved by his mom's assurance. "You've given him a life beyond the shadows, and for that, I am grateful," Talia expressed, her words carrying the weight of a mother's appreciation. "Let of the guilt that threatened to burden you, abni. You did not force Damian into anything and, ultimately, you all have saved Talon's life together."

Jason's smile, though hesitant, started to reflect a glimmer of acceptance. Talia's reassurances began to chip away at the guilt that had lingered in his conscience. The weight on his shoulders seemed to lessen, replaced by a growing understanding that he had acted out of love and necessity.

Talia then handed Jason a stack of papers. As he perused them, he discovered a new identity for Talon—now Wren Fletcher—and a bank account to give him a fresh start. The name drew a snort of amusement from Jason. "Fitting!" he remarked, finding a sense of irony in the chosen moniker.

The air in the room shifted from reassurance to a tense gravity as Talia began to share the unsettling discoveries her League of Shadows had made about the crumbled Court of Owls. Jason's expression, once eased by Talia's words, now turned serious and attentive.

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