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Dick found himself ensnared in a web of emotions that clung to him like a persistent shadow. The loss of Batman, another paternal figure and family member, cast a cloud over his usually vibrant spirit. Night after night, the darkness became a canvas for the haunting nightmares that plagued Dick's restless sleep. Images of his parents' fall, the chilling echoes of Jason's demise—these specters tormented him in the quiet hours when the world was cloaked in silence. Sleep, usually a respite, became an elusive refuge, slipping through his grasp like sand.

In the waking hours, Dick moved through life in a state of semi-automatic existence. Every smile, every agile movement, carried the subtle undertone of disbelief. Batman, an indomitable force, an emblem of unwavering strength, was not supposed to fall. As the days unfolded in a monotonous rhythm, Dick grappled not only with the loss of Batman but also with the shroud of helplessness that accompanied it.

The realization weighed on Dick like a lead cloak. As the eldest in the Bat-Family, the mantle of responsibility now draped over his shoulders, and with it came a torrent of conflicting emotions. He found himself standing at the precipice of an unwanted destiny, the cowl of Batman looming before him like a specter of duty. In the midst of grief and mourning, a new burden settled on Dick's heart—the duty to become Batman. It wasn't a role he had sought or desired; on the contrary, Dick had spent years forging his own path, distancing himself from the imposing shadow of the Dark Knight. Nightwing had become more than a persona; it was a symbol of emancipation, an assertion of individuality apart from Batman's enduring legacy.

Now, as circumstances thrust him back into the role he had long tried to escape, Dick grappled with the weight of overseeing his siblings. The very thought of anyone else within the Bat-Family shouldering the pressure of becoming Batman was intolerable to him. Cass, Tim, Steph—all of them had their own struggles, their own journeys, and Dick couldn't bear the idea of any of them being burdened by the unrelenting expectations that came with the cowl.

The pressure to protect and guide his siblings, already a significant responsibility, now intertwined with the profound fear of losing them. The nights stretched before him. The city that had once been patrolled by the iconic duo now awaited its lone guardian, and Dick Grayson couldn't escape the harsh reality—he was that guardian. Despair crept into his thoughts as he grappled with the notion of being Batman. The very role he had resisted, the emblem of his past, was now his to bear. It felt like a regression, a return to the starting point he had fought so hard to move away from. The freedom that Nightwing had symbolized, the autonomy he had carved out for himself, now seemed like a distant memory.

The doorbell, an unexpected interruption in the quietude, pierced through the turbulent mind of Dick. Alfred, preoccupied in the kitchen, continued with his culinary endeavors, leaving Dick to answer the door. Since Batman's passing, unannounced visits had become a familiar occurrence, as the extended family of vigilantes, heroes, and allies had made sure to check on them and see if they needed anything.

No one came to see if they were all right. Everyone knew that they were not all right.

As Dick approached the door, the usual roster of faces flashed through his mind—members of the Titans, Teen Titans, Justice League, and even the occasional appearance of the Gotham Sirens during their nightly patrols. However, what awaited him on the other side was a surprise that eclipsed all expectations.

With the creak of the door, Dick found himself face to face with someone he never thought he'd see again. The shock etched across his face was palpable, before him stood Jason Todd. The world around Dick seemed to blur for a moment, and he struggled to reconcile the sight before him with the reality he had come to accept.

Stuttering in disbelief, he managed to utter, "Little Wing?" The recognition, the flood of memories, and the sheer unexpectedness of Jason's presence overwhelmed him.

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