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Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful year and the next one is greater!

The news hit like a tidal wave, leaving Jason and Roy stunned in its wake. Batman was dead. Panic seized them, and the world seemed to blur around the edges as the weight of the loss settled on their shoulders.

Roy's mind raced with worry for Dick, one of his closest friends. How could he help him through this? Batman was not just a mentor; he was Dick's father and the thought of Dick facing this grief for the second time, losing another father figure, left Roy feeling helpless.

As Roy grappled with his own turmoil, Jason was in the throes of his own emotional storm. He had deliberately distanced himself from Batman, choosing a path that led away from the cape and cowl. Yet, the news of Bruce's death hit Jason harder than he expected. Questions swirled in his mind, demanding answers he couldn't provide. Why did this affect him so deeply? How would he navigate the void left by a father he had consciously chosen to avoid?

The conflicting emotions created a storm within Jason. The decision to keep his distance from Batman was a protective measure, a way to shield himself from the complexities of their relationship and Batman's vendetta. Now, faced with the undeniable reality of Bruce's death, the walls Jason had built seemed to crumble. The grief he thought he had distanced himself from returned with an intensity that surprised him.

The weight of Roy's words settled over Jason like a heavy shroud as the reality of Batman's sacrifice sank in. The air in the room felt thick with grief and disbelief, each word from Roy carving deeper into Jason's heart.

"Bats... he went out fighting," Roy said, his voice tinged with a mixture of sorrow and admiration. "They were up against Darkseid, and it got real bad real quick."

As Roy began to recount the events in Command D, the tension in the room grew palpable. Jason's jaw clenched, muscles tightening as he listened to the narrative that unfolded like a tragic epic. The image of Batman, escaping confinement, wielding the Radion bullet with a determination that only the Dark Knight could muster, flashed vividly in Jason's mind.

"He got Darkseid good with that Radion bullet," Roy continued, his gaze fixed on Jason. "But Darkseid... he wasn't going down without a fight. Used his Omega Beams. It was quick, man. Batman took one for the team."

The stark finality of those words lingered, and Jason found himself grappling with conflicting emotions. Panic threatened to engulf Jason as he grappled with the weight of the loss. The internal struggle escalated, pushing him perilously close to a panic attack. The vulnerability he felt in that moment, the realization that Bruce was gone, left Jason questioning his own emotional defenses.

"But his sacrifice... it wasn't in vain," Roy added, a somber nod accompanying his words. "Wonder Woman, she took Darkseid down, finished what Bats started. Not sure Bats would have appreciated her killing in his name... but at least, for now, Earth was safe from Apokolips. Superman brought his body back to the Wayne Manor."

Jason's gaze dropped to the floor, his fists clenching at his sides. The silence that followed Roy's account echoed with the weight of loss and the stark reality of a world without Batman. The bat-shaped void in Gotham, in the Justice League, and in Jason's own tumultuous heart became more pronounced than ever.

Roy, sensing the turmoil within Jason, offered a supportive gaze. "I'm here for you, Jay."

The audible thud of a ball hitting the floor shattered the heavy silence in the backyard, drawing the attention of Jason and Roy. The color drained from their faces as they turned to see Damian standing there, his grip on the now-forgotten ball slipping away. The shock in Damian's eyes mirrored the profound disbelief that echoed in the hearts of the two adults. The other kids, Billy and Lian, stood frozen, their eyes wide with a mixture of confusion and concern. Still, it was Damian who bore the weight of the revelation most acutely. His small frame seemed to tremble, and his eyes, normally sharp and confident, now held a vulnerability that struck deep.

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