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Jason strolled into the crowded classroom at Fawcett University, a smirk playing on his lips. Today's lesson was about to kick off, and the topic was one close to his heart – crafting characters that leapt off the page. He leaned against the desk at the front of the room, eyes scanning the eager faces of the students.

"Alright, today's adventure in the realm of creative writing is all about characters. Often when writing a narrative, characters end up flat and predictable. Writers get so focused on the events in the plot, that they don't develop their characters into multi-dimensional or round characters." Jason began, his tone casual yet charged with enthusiasm. "Now, we've all read stories with characters flatter than a pancake, right? Predictable as yesterday's weather forecast. Well, we're not doing that here."

He gestured toward the stack of envelopes on the desk. "I've got a little exercise for you that'll make your characters so lifelike, they might just jump off the page and join us for coffee. So, pay attention."

Jason explained the task, the anticipation in the room growing. The element of surprise was key. "I've got some folks cut out from magazines – ordinary people, not celebrities. Your job is to pick two of them from your envelope and turn them into the stars of your own little narrative."

He could see the excitement in their eyes as they eagerly tore open their envelopes, discovering the characters that would soon be the protagonists of their stories. "Remember, variety is the spice of life. Mix and match genders, ages, and backgrounds. Get creative!"

The students dove into the task, the room buzzing with the sound of scissors, glue, and animated chatter. Jason strolled among them, offering a helpful word here and there, reveling in the energy of budding storytellers.

"Once you've got your characters, we're going to throw them into the fire," Jason announced, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Mad Lib-style prompts. Ready to put those characters to the test?" As the students nodded eagerly, Jason shared the prompts, each one designed to challenge them to weave their characters into different scenarios. "Remember, this isn't about writing a full-blown novel. We're just flexing those creative muscles, giving life to characters that might've remained trapped in the pages of a magazine."

The room transformed into a hub of creativity, the students immersed in their characters' worlds. Jason circled the room, the atmosphere was electric, charged with the excitement of storytelling. Jason couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. These students were on the brink of discovering the magic of character development, and he had front-row seats on their literary journey. With a grin, he encouraged them to keep their characters alive and kicking in their imaginations – a vibrant cast ready to breathe life into any narrative they dared to dream up.

As the class wound down, Jason leaned against his desk, a content smile playing on his lips. The room was alive with the rustle of papers and the soft murmur of students engrossed in their writing. He had thrown open a door to creativity, and the students had eagerly stepped through. He patiently fielded questions, clarified doubts, and shared encouraging words with the budding writers. Each query was met with a genuine response, and Jason could sense the energy of inspiration radiating through the room.

The papers started piling up on his desk, a mountain of creativity that awaited his review. It was a daunting sight, knowing he had to delve into each narrative and guide his students toward honing their craft. But Jason didn't let the sheer volume weigh him down. Teaching was a passion he had grown fond of, and this was just another step in the job. With the last paper handed in, Jason surveyed the diverse stack. Each story was unique, a testament to the individuality of the minds at work in his class. He felt a surge of pride in the connections made, the ideas sparked, and the characters born within the four walls of the classroom.

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