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Hye-ji was walking down the corridor, fiddling with the edge of her blazer while scrolling on her phone. She was walking quite fast since she was running late for school. She was walking silently when she heard someone behind her yell "excuse me!" She turned around to find a trainee running behind her. She had seen him a couple of times before but they'd never spoken. One thing she'd always noticed about him though were his eyes. They were kind but desperate. She had asked an older trainee about him and they'd said he'd been there since they joined, so hye-ji guessed he'd been training for a while. She didn't think he was running to her so she turned back around "Kim Hye-ji!" He called out "please stop" Hye-ji stopped instantly and turned around
"Yes?" She said cautiously
He put up a finger and ran to her, stopping when he reached her "hi" he smiled, catching his breath
"Hi" he said, taking a step back "who are you?" She asked
"I'm Chan" he responded "Bang Chan"
"I would introduce myself, but you already seem to know Me" she uttered, crossing her arms "what do you want?"
"I have a question" he told her
"Will it take long?" She asked "I have to go to school"
"It will only take a minute" he said hurriedly
"I don't really have a minute" she sighed, walking backwards, gripping onto her back pack straps "I'm already running late"
"Can't you just be a bit late?" He sighed "it's important"
"I can't be late again" she said "or they'll call my parents" she told him, exhaling and turning around to face the door
"Just tell them it's important" he pleaded, walking with her
"I can't" she sighed, looking at the ground. Who was the man and why was he speaking to her?
"Why not?" He questioned
She didn't have to tell him anything and she wouldn't  "Why should I tell you" she said firmly "respectfully, it's none of your business. Now I really need to get to school"
He sighed, stopping while she still walked "okay we'll meet after school, which practice room do you use?"
"Whichever's free" she told him, waking towards the door
"I'll find you" he called out as she left the building.

Hye-ji and Jungwon were walking to the bus stop, speaking about the boy from earlier "it was weird, he was so persistent" she sighed
"You think everything's weird" he smiled "I'm sure he just wants to ask you to complete a survey or something"
"Yeah probably" she exhaled "I just have this feeling"
"Just see him later and then text me" he said "I want to know as well"
"I will" she laughed as the bus arrived. The two said goodbye to each other and she got on the bus.

The girl changed into shorts and a jumper and made her way to a practice room. She went into a random room and walked towards the desk, setting some music up. Within a couple minutes she was ready to start dancing when there was a knock on the door. She sighed and walked over to it, opening the door to reveal the boy from earlier "hi" he smiled
"chan" she sighed, leaving the door open and walking back into the room "come in" she said when she saw him stand in the doorway .He nodded and walked into the room "so what was your question?" She asked, starting to stretch in the mirror
"So I've been a trainee for a while and a few weeks ago JYP told me to make a line up for a group, that would participate in a survival show to debut" he explained, leaning against the wall, watching her stretch in the mirror "and I was wondering if you would want to join" he said
"What?" She said, her eyes wide "are you serious?"
He nodded "yeah"
She stayed silent for a moment "why me?" She asked suddenly "you don't know me"
"I don't have to know you to know you're special" he said "I've heard you sing before. Your voice is amazing. It's so captivating, like a sirens song, you get caught in a trance whenever you hear it . I've also seen you dance, the way you move is so natural and fluid. You don't deserve to be hidden in a practice room, you have to be heard. Seen" he sounded passionate about this. He must really want her to join "you're meant to be star and I want to be there to help you"
She took a deep breath "how many people are in the group?" She asked, starting to be convinced
"8, including me" he told her, exhaling "They're really nice, I promise. They're some of the nicest boys I've met in my life"
"Boys?" She questioned, her eyes wide. She had always seen herself debuting in a girl group, not a co-ed group
"Yeah" He nodded  "they're all extremely talented. They each bring something to the team that will make us unique. I trust them with my life and I've only known some of them for a few weeks" he explained with bright eyes "This is a good opportunity, Hye-Ji"
Something in her wanted to say yes, but mostly she was resistant "I'm young, I'm only 14" she said, turning to face him "I still have a long time to debut. I'm going to get more offers, why should I take this one?" She said, crossing her arms and looking at him
It took him a minute to respond "because the boys are special, each and everyone of them are brillant in their own ways. This team will get far, I know it. you can be there to succeed with us or you can watch from the sidelines, you decide" he said, standing up straighter
For some reason this version of chan's speaking convinced her. She took a deep breath and shuffled her feet "okay" she said "I'll meet the other members and then decide"
Bang chan started smiling widely "yeah, of course" he nodded "meet in the room tomorrow, I'll be in here with the boys"
Hye-ji nodded turned back to the mirror "well I have to practice now" she said, picking her phone up and going to her music app. She looked up and didn't see him moving "I prefer to practice alone" she uttered, turning to face him
The boy hurriedly stood up straight and opened the door "oh yeah, sure" he nodded, standing in the doorway "I'll see you tomorrow, Hye-Ji" he smiled
The girl nodded and gave him a small smile in return "see you tomorrow, Chan" she waved, turning back to the mirror as he walked out, still smiling to himself.

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