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Over the past few days nyla (Hye-Ji) had been awaiting the very anticipated arrival of Sakura. The older girl had messaged nyla the whole day of the flight so nyla knew Sakura was on the plane and had been for a while. So now she was getting ready. She promised Sakura she would take her to all her favourite spots the first day, just the two of them and then the next day they would spend with Jun Han and Jungwon, who both also excited for the girl to get here. The thing nyla was most excited for by far was hugging Sakura. She hadn't hugged her in three years. She had never been a physical touch kind of person but she loved hugging her closet friends, especially Sakura. Since she was six, Sakura had hugged the girl constantly so living without them everyday had been very hard. But now she wouldn't have to, considering she would be moving to Korea. Of course nyla understood that even though they would be living close they wouldn't be able to see eachother everyday, they would both be busy practicing and then Sakura would go off to the Survival show in a few weeks. But still knowing they were in the same country was enough for Nyla to be happy and comforted.

Nyla was in her room, doing her homework (only because she promised jungwon)  while all the others were doing their own thing. Most were in the kitchen, packing away the groceries they had just bought and some were in the living room, nyla was in the middle of algebra when she heard a knock of her door "coming!" She called out, rolling off her bed and walking to the door "yeah?" She asked, opening the door to reveal Chan
"We need help with something" he told her "come with me, ny" he smiled, gesturing for her to follow him
She chuckled lightly "how do you already have a nickname for my stage name?" She asked "we came up with it yesterday"
"I work fast" he shrugged with a warm smile "now come on, they're really struggling" he led the girl to the living room where the others were waiting, crowding around something
"What's going on?" nyla asked, looking at the members with a confused expression "if you're all apart of a cult, I want nothing to do with it" she sighed, crossing her arms
"We're not a cult!" Minho exclaimed, playfully glaring at her "atleast I don't think we are" he sighed
"Yeah" Jeongin nodded "what do you think, Sakura"
Before nyla could process what he'd just said the members moved out of the way to reveal the girl, holding a suitcase and bag with a massive smile "KURA!" nyla exclaimed, running towards the girl, beaming from ear to ear
"OTTER!" Sakura beamed, opening her arms for the girl to run into to. The moment the girls met they felt at peace. Both of them tightly wrapped their arms around each other, burying their faces in the others shoulder "I've missed you so much, Hye-Ji" Sakura whispered, stroking the back of the girls hair as they hugged

As soon as nyla heard Sakura speak everything became real for her. She was back in the arms of the girl that had raised her. The woman that spent her whole teenage years, caring for her. She couldn't help but cry. It was all too much for her to process.
The boys watched as nyla started to cry, her body moving with each sob. They looked at each other, sharing the same thoughts. This was the first time they'd seen her cry, and it wasn't a small cry like the type of cry you have when you're tired or angry, it was a cry that had depth "oh, my Hye-Ji " Sakura exhaled, hugging the crying girl tighter. To any one else this nickname may have seemed a bit weird but it made perfect sense to everyone in the room "don't cry, it's okay" she said, pulling away to wipe the girls tears "we're together again, everything's okay, Otter" she told her, cupping her face as she wiped the tears with her thumbs
nyla looked up and met the girls eyes. It broke Sakura's heart to see Nyla look so fragile, it reminded her of the six year old she had seen crying on the street because her dad had left her to go buy alcohol "I missed you so much" nyla whispered, pulling Sakura closer again "promise me we'll never be apart again"
Sakura smiled softly as she hugged the girl again "I promise" she nodded "never again"

the two continued to hug for another five minutes before nyla took Sakura's bag back to her bedroom. Nyla left Sakura with the boys to go to her room, pulling the suitcase behind her. She rolled the suitcase into the room and went to the bathroom. 
Nyla went to the mirror to fix herself before going back out. She couldn't believe she had just cried in front of them. Slowly she pulled herself together and went back out to see the others, however as she was walking she could hear them talking, so she stopped and listened
"She told us you met when she was six" Han said "is that true?"
"Yeah" Sakura answered "I was going to the shops when I saw her crying on a bench, I went up to her and asked her what was wrong and she told me her dad had left her, so I stayed with her until her dad came back. After that I felt that I needed to be there for her, so I knocked on every door on her street until I found her house, and well you know the rest"
"She hasn't told us about her parents, do you know anything?" Changbin asked
"I do" she said "but it's not my place to say and if she hasn't told you, she's not ready to but she will eventually" The others remained silent but nyla could tell they understood "I have one thing to ask you all"
"Yeah of course"
Sakura exhaled "even though I live here now, I'm not going to be around often. I'll still call hye-Ji everyday and meet up with her, but I'm not going to be with her, physically speaking. So all of you have to promise me you will be there for her. Debut is going to be hard, especially for her. Being the only girl and being this young won't be easy for her, but no matter what you do, do not let her go through it alone. I don't care if you have to force her to tell you how she's feeling, I don't care if she won't come out her room, you have to be there. Because she will hide, she will disappear into her room and pretend she isn't here but you mustn't let her. I know it will be hard. Hye-ji doesn't trust people easily and she doesn't tell people how she's feeling, so you have to be patient because eventually she will open up and when that happens I promise you it will be worth it. She is the most amazing person I have ever met, truly. She is kind and strong and funny and bright. On the outside she may seem cold but she isn't. She's the warmest person on earth. So no matter how many times she tells you to leave her alone, you can't. can you do that? Can you be there for my Hye-Ji?" She said. Hye-Ji tightly closed her eyes, not letting the tears fall.
"Of course we can" she heard bang chan say "we promise"
The others agreed as well. Hye-Ji quietly sniffed and wiped her nose before walking to the others
"Kura, are you ready to go?" She asked, standing beside the couch
"Yeah" she nodded, pushing off the couch. The two made their way to the door and put their shoes on "bye everyone" Sakura waved as they were about to leave
"Bye guys" nyla said "we won't be long, so don't have dinner without us!"
"No promises" she heard someone yell back
"You better promise!" She replied "or we'll be eating you instead"
The others laughed while the member yelled back "okay" they chuckled "we promise!"
"Good" she said, opening the door "Bye, see you guys soon" the two left the dorm, smiling to themselves.

The pair walked all around Seoul, going to all of Nyla's favorite places, including a park with a lake and loads of trees, an arcade, a cafe, a plant shop, a library and an art museum. By the end of the day they were both exhausted so they quickly made their way to the dorm. As soon as they got inside they went to Nyla's room and fell asleep. They had had a really good day. So while they fell asleep, Sakura hugging nyla, they both had smiles on their faces.

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