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Nyla was sitting in the dorm, watching the TV with Hyunjin. Nyla and hyunjin were laying at opposite ends on the couch, both of their heads turned towards the screen "I want to cut my hair" nyla told him randomly "do you think I should?" She asked, turning her head to look at him
"I don't know" he said, looking at her "I like your long hair. It looks cool when you dance and it flys around you"
She nodded "yeah" she sighed "but it takes so long to wash and then dry"
"I think it's worth it" hyunjin told her "it adds to your performance. Like a special effect"
Nyla laughed lightly and turned back to watch the cartoon that was on.

They spent another hour watching TV before Nyla's phone ran. She exhaled and picked it up, looking at the name. It read 'Channie 🙄' she answered the call
"What's up?" She asked, putting it on speaker
"Are you with Hyunjin?" He asked
"Yeah" she answered "why?"
"Can you and him come down to the recording room? We need to record your parts" he told her
"Okay" she nodded "we'll be down in a minute" she told him. She said bye and then hung up. Both of them made their way down to the recording studio. Nyla walked with her hands in her pockets, looking around the hallways as they passed. This place was so big she hadn't even seen it all.

Hyunjin and her got to the room quickly. They walked in and found Bang Chan, Changbin and Han sitting on the sofa "you're here!" Chan exclaimed, standing up "who wants to go first?"
"I will" hyunjin volunteered "I'm tired and the sooner I do this the sooner I get to sleep" he yawned, walking over to Changbin and leaning on his shoulder
"Okay" chan laughed. Hyunjin recorded his lines quite quickly. Nyla stayed in the room, playing tic tac toe with Changbin for the majority of the waiting time. The rest she spent playing a game on her phone, waiting for hyunjin to finish. After recording his lines hyunjin said bye to the four and left to go back to the dorm to sleep.

Nyla went into the booth and put the headphones on. She read through her parts and hummed through them. They were re-recording 'hellevator' so nyla already knew all the lines. She sang the first chorus, a bit of the bridge and some of the pre-chorus. Since the survival show (which was about a month ago) her voice had changed. It had matured but still had the captivating tone, that drew people in "okay so, Nyla" chan started "since your voice has changed since you last sung the chorus, I want you to just sing it however you want, I trust your judgment so just have fun with it"
Nyla nodded and shifted from foot to foot, thinking of how to sing it "okay" she nodded "let's go" the music started playing in her headphones and she sang it. While she sang she closed her eyes and put her hands on her pockets. The three watched her with widened eyes. None of them had heard her properly sing since a month ago. They heard her sing quietly in the dorm, but not like this. She belted the high notes beautifully and sung with so much passion, the three couldn't look away. After she finished the part she turned to the boys, her hands still in her pockets "was that okay?" She asked
They stayed quiet for a few seconds. Chan reached forward and pressed the button "wow" he exhaled with a smile "that was amazing, Ny" he said, leaning back in his chair
Nyla broke out into a smile "thank you" she smiled
"Can we listen to it?" Changbin asked "I want to relive it" he smiled
Han nodded and chan re played it. Nyla listened to it carefully. The others listened to it with soft smiled "ah" Han exhaled, leaning back "its so good"
The three turned to nyla who was zoned out with a look on her face "ny? What are you thinking?" Changbin asked the girl in the booth
She nodded and looked at him "can I do it again?" She asked "I think I can do it better"
"Better?" Han exclaimed
Nyla nodded with a chuckle "chan?"
He nodded and played the music. Nyla sang again and this time she felt better about it. She put more emotion into it, hit the high notes and sung with more passion. She did all this while still keeping her relaxed posture, Her hands in her pockets and her eyes closed. After she finished she looked at them with a smile "I like this one" she said
"I do as well" chan nodded "I liked the other one as well but this version put the first one to shame" he laughed
Nyla smiled at him and laughed lightly. They recorded the rest of her parts, being blown away by her voice every time. 

When they finished all three of them went up to the dorm since it was late. The said good night and went to sleep. Nyla stayed up a little later, sketching on a piece of paper. It took an hour to finish it but once she did she loved it. She had spent the past hour drawing a picture of the nine of them. The photo they took after they found out they'd debut as nine. All of them had massive smiles on their faces and eyes full of hope. She put the drawing on her desk and laid down on her bed. She couldn't sleep so she called Jungwon, hoping he would pick up and he did. Like always. She knew there was no use calling Jun Han since he slept early, so she didn't even try. She and Jungwon were on call until 4am, when Jungwon's mom came into the room and yelled at him to stop laughing so loudly "shush, won" nyla laughed "or your mom is going to come in again and she scares me!"
"She scares me as well" Jungwon laughed "when can I come to the dorm again? I can laugh at my normal volume then"
Nyla laughed and thought to herself "tomorrow" she told him with a smile "after school tomorrow you can come round"  Jungwon started silently cheering which made nyla cackle "you're so weird" she laughed, taking a screenshot of him. They finished talking after about 4 hours. Nyla fell right to sleep after the call, knowing she would have to wake up in 2 hours.

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