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Nyla was sitting in a meeting room with a staff members phone set up in front of her "okay so, I'm gonna press this button in a minute and then you'll be live" the staff said with a smile

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Nyla was sitting in a meeting room with a staff members phone set up in front of her "okay so, I'm gonna press this button in a minute and then you'll be live" the staff said with a smile. Nyla nodded and the staff laughed "you already know that since you've been live before, but" she shrugged
Nyla smiled "it was very useful hearing it again, thank you" she said, chuckling lightly
The staff smiled fondly and patted nyla's head softly, looking down at her "you're so cute" she said, sitting down opposite her and behind the camera "okay I'm gonna turn it on now, are you ready?"
Nyla nodded and smiled "yeah" the staff member pressed the screen and the live started. Nyla had the live open on her own phone so she could read the comments.

She waited a minute to make sure there were enough people in the live. It took about a minute for there to be around 50,000 people on the live. She stared at her phone in shock as the number kept rising "wow" she exhaled, looking up and the phone with wide eyes "there's so many of you here" she said, leaning back in the chair "hey everyone" she greeted, waving at the camera. She stayed silent for a second, watching the view count rise "100,000 of you?" She exclaimed, sitting up and breathing out "I don't know what to say now" she chuckled, fiddling with her hair "wow" she exhaled again, brushing through her brown hair with her fingers

Seeing as she had no idea what to talk about she decided to answer questions "do the members treat you differently because you're the maknae?" She read out. Nyla leaned back in her chair and thought for a moment "they're very caring towards me" she said with a smile "and also this is something I've noticed everyone doing, but everyone loves to pat my head" she chuckled, touching the top of her head "I don't think there's anything special about it" she sighed, tilting her head to the side and patting it "the boys do it all the time and so do the staff. Is there anything appealing about it?" She asked, showing the camera the top of her head. She looked at the comments and all of them were saying how cute she is "you guys aren't answering my question" she exclaimed, looking into the camera "is there something special about my head?" She sighed, touching her head again with a confused expression.

After the whole head patting conversation she read another comment "what is your favourite song?" She read out "I love this question!" she exclaimed, sitting up and thinking deeply "ok, I really have to think deeply about this" she sighed, leaning her head in her hands and staying silent "okay, I'm going to say 'don't blame me' by Taylor Swift. It's my most listened to song at the moment, so.....yeah 'don't blame me' " she said, looking up and squinting her eyes. After a few seconds of silence she started singing the song from the first chorus. Affe she had finished she sunk into her chair "it's sooooo good!" She exclaimed "it makes me want to ascend into heaven"

She then read out another one "what perfume do I wear?" She said confused "that's an odd question" she sighed, tilting her head to the side. She looked into the comments and saw the same account reply "someone once said that when you walked past you smelt really nice" she read out "oh" she sighed "that's nice" she smiled, sitting up "well then, I wear.." she thought, looking up and thinking deeply "I think it's Aerin's evening rose" she told the chat "I really really like it"

After a few minutes of looking for a good question she read one "what has been my favourite moment so far?" She thought for a while, combing through the past months "um there's so many" she sighed, looking up and exhaling "but I think it would be the day after we debuted" she said, scratching her cheek "all nine of us spent the whole day watching our favourite movies and eating ice cream and pizza. We were just talking and laughing, it was really fun" she told them with a warm smile "then after that two of my closest friends came round and we played monopoly" she chuckled "I won" she smirked, pointing to herself with a grin.

Nyla spoke more about a few other topics like her favourite Color "I like all the colors but dark blue is my favourite" she answered after a few minutes of rambling. She read through the chat until she found another interesting question "what are your hopes for the future?" She exhaled, putting her phone down and looking into the camera while fidgeting with her rings "most of all I want the people around me to be happy and healthy. That's first. As long as my friends are happy I'll be happy. I also hope that they're still with me. I don't know what I'd do without the members and my three best friends"

After a few more minutes she decided to finish the live. It had gone on for around an hour and she thought that was enough "okay guys, it's time to say goodbye" she said, taking her glasses off and cleaning them with her shirt before putting them back on "I had a lot of fun with you guys" she smiled "I love you guys and I'll see you soon" she waved bye to the camera and the staff turned the live off
The staff picked her phone up and looked at nyla "was that fun?" She asked
Nyla smiled back and nodded "yeah it was"
The staff smiled "you were so good, Hye-Ji. I didn't get bored once and usually I do"
Nyla laughed "thank you" she beamed. She walked back to the dorm after helping the staff clear up. When she got back to the dorm she changed into practice clothes and went straight to the practice rooms, spending the rest of her day training.

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