Chapter 13:- Reunion Party - 2

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Tanya's pov (actually thoughts until I quote the sentence.)

I was observing Krish. He would try to look at me but as soon as he will see me looking at him then he will pretend like he is searching for someone.

I was trying to compress my excitement and smile because I remember that on our farewell party Krish behaved the same.

And one of my friend teased him that why he was looking at me and then in response he gave an illogical reason.

Anyways I am enjoying this.

Suddenly my smile dropped when I saw that Milano biscuit approaching their group.

She side hugged everyone and GREAT THAT KRISH DIDN'T EVEN HESITATE.

She has this habit of sticking to every boy. Can't she maintain some distance??? Doesn't she knows that they are married, except Krish??

Two of them were clearly looking uncomfortable when she hugged them. But does she cares??? No.




Milano biscuit was going from there but Krish held her freaking hand!!!! Why?????

They talked about something and that biscuit was giggling and again and again she was keeping her hand on Krish's chest. AND THAT IDIOT DOESN'T EVEN MIND.

Shit they are coming here!!

Milano is holding Krish's hand and was walking ahead with Krish following her.

They approached us.

"Helloooooooo" Milani sang.

"How are you all?" She asked and everyone answered but I just kept quiet while forcing a smile. I could feel someone's eyes on me but I decided to ignore it.

"Hii Tanya!!!! How are you?? I heard you are not married yet, is it true?? " Milano asked and I very well knew that it was a taunt for me.

"Hello Milani! I am doing good. And yes, you heard right that I am not married yet because I am not at all interested in such stuffs." I replied while controlling myself so that I don't break her bones. She is so cringe!!!

"Ohh!" She laughed, more of, it was a taunt again.

"So do you have a boyfriend??" She asked so as to tell me that you are unmarried not because of my choice but because no one wants to marry me.

"Yes, I do have a boyfriend and soon we are planning to get married."

Krish was keenly listening to each and every word I was saying. I just once glanced at him while saying and I could see Krish looking down and his ears alert.

"Ohh." Milani forced a smile.

"Hello Krish!" One of my friend said while reaching out her hand for a handshake.

"Hello!" Krish accepted the handshake and then one by one everyone did a handshake with him except me.

"You totally forgot us after college right? This is very bad." One of them complaint.

"No, it's not like that." Krish ran his fingers through his hair and seeing that my heart skipped a beat.

He looks so----

My phone rang and I saw the caller ID. It was Shaurya.

I looked at Krish who was already looking at me.

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