Chapter:08 Eight

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"Look here you two. How about we make a deal." Cori said to my little twin sister and brother as he and Cora kneeled down to their level.

I watched the four of them as I sat down on the backyard porch on my phone. Cora and Cori and Nina and Noah where always up to something. They owned a candy business together.

To this day I don't know how that happened.

"Cora and I will give you two a year's supply of candy of your choice for the full ownership of our business." Cori said to them and I turned of my phone then crossed my arms to watch what was going on.

Nina and Noah looked at each other then at Cori and Cora." Make it a five year supply. "Noah said.

" Three year. "

" Six year. "

" Two year. "

" Seven year. "

" One year. "

" Five year. "

" Deal. "Cori said and I laughed.

" You can bring our last payments of the business to us by the end of next week. "Nina and Noah said in sync before walking away from Cori and Cora and walked inside the house.

I got up a smile on my face and I walked up to Cori and Cora who thought they made a good deal.

" You two were just played by eight year olds. "I laughed and they looked at me.

" We were far from played. "They believed.

" Not only do you have to give them each  one hundred dollars, I think. By the end of next week but you also have to buy them a five year supply of candy with the money you will make from your business. Which knowing my siblings they will sell the candy, starting a new business without even having to buy stock. "I continued to laugh as they realized they were played by eight year olds.

They both ran inside calling out to my siblings.

I sighed as I shook my head then walking inside.

I walked into the kitchen then grabbed a glass of water while hearing Cora and Cori trying to negotiate with Nina and Noah.

I put down the glass before walking out of the kitchen.

Nina and Noah walked out of the house and Cori and Cora followed them still trying to negotiate.

I walked out of the house locking it behind me because no one was home.

My father was a very well known business man, he owned many businesses around the world. He travels a lot, And my mother passed away when the twins were two after falling sick. So it is just always the twins and I.

After my mother passed my father became more and more distant then he already was, making her death even more painful and unbearable, especially for a twelve year old.

My grandparents moved to Seaside bay and began taking care of us for my father never had time to. Grandma died last year and a few months later so did grandpa who fell ill because he could not live without grandma. Since then it has just been the twins and i.

The twins got on their bikes and Cori and Cora got on their skateboards riding after them.

I walked up to my car then unlocked it before opening the door and walking in. I started the car then drove out of the drive way.

My phone began ringing and it was Rylan. I picked up and Rylan began.

"I'm in deep shit." He began.

"Every time you say that it's either something very serious or straight up bullshit." I said.

"This time it's serious." He said.

"Go on."

"So i have... I have... I have five fingers and the middle one loves you."

"You little-" He ended the call before I could finish.

I had been driving quite slowly because there were many people walking or kids  playing on the road.

"Goodbye mom-Sunny slow down." I looked out of the window to see Lyla. She was walking Sunny while talking to the phone. I stopped the car at the side of the road and she saw me then walked up to my side and I rolled down the window.

She waved at me with a smile.

"Hey Belleza." I greeted her and her smile grew.

""That nickname sound so nice, the pronunciation." She said excitement clear on her face.

"Sunny I will get you that treat, it won't run away it's still at the shop waiting for me to buy it for you. I have to go. Sunny is very energetic this morning and really wants treats." She said waving me goodbye before continuing to walk.

She stopped walking then walked back.

"Oh I almost forgot my grandma asked me to spread the word that next week there will be the night beach event.I don't even know what that is. I never asked her but I'm pretty sure you know I mea-" She held her hand over her mouth then waved to me and I smiled.

Lyla's grandma was part of the town's committee. She was the head of events and festivals that happened in the town.

She turned back around then continued walking.

I smiled as I watched her begin to run as Sunny ran, from the rear view mirror. Then I stopped right after realizing I was smiling then continued driving.

There is something about her that is just so amazing.

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