The Assassin Of The Mist! (Land Of Waves Arc)

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(On boat)
We were rowing through the sea in a dense fog.

Sakura:The fog's so thick I can't see anything.

Naruto:*sniffing the air*

Y/N:Naruto why are you sniffing the air?

Naruto:Just trying to break the silence.

Rower:The bridge isn't far now. Our destination is just ahead the land of waves.

A huge bridge then came into view with multiple construction equipment littered on it.

Naruto:WHOA! Its huge!

Rower:What? Quite! I told you no noise. Why do you think we're travelling like this, huh? Cutting off the engine and rowing. Moving through the dense fog so they don't see us.

Kakashi:Mr Tazuna. Before we reach the pier I want to ask you something. The men who are after you. I need to know why. If you don't tell us we'll have to end this mission when we drop you ashore.

Y/N:Tazuna its okay we won't judge.

Sasuke:Y/N is right. However, if you don't say we'll have to assume its something bad.

Naruto:Believe it!

Sakura:Naruto. The rower told you to pipe it down.

Naruto:Right. *rubbing the back of his head*

Tazuna:I have no choice but to tell you. No, I want to tell you the truth. Like you said this is beyond the scope of the original mission. The one who seeks my life is a very short man who casts a very long and deadly shadow.

Kakashi:Deadly shadow? Who is it?

Tazuna:You know him. At least, I'm sure you've heard his name before. He's one of the wealthiest men in the world. The shipping magnet, Gato.

Kakashi:Gato? Of Gato transport? He's a business leader. Everyone knows him.

Naruto:Who? Who? What? What?

Y/N:Calm down.

Tazuna:Gato is a very powerful tycoon from a famous company that's true but below the surface with the same ruthless methods he uses to buy businesses and nations. He sells drugs and contrabands using ninja and gangs. It was one year ago where Gato first set his eyes on the land of waves.
He came to our land and used his vast wealth to take total control of our transport and shipping. Anyone who entered his way simply disappeared. In an Island nation who controls the sea controls everything. Finance, government and our lives. There is one thing he fears the bridge. When it is complete it will join us to the land and that will break his control. I am the bridge builder.

Y/N:Well we surely aren't letting him get his hands on you.

Sasuke:That's right we're still on this mission for a reason.

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