Chapter 14

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It didn't take long for The Cullen's clan to make it to the airport and before they knew it, They were boarding their private jet and greeting their pilot And making their way to Italy.

And Fayette thought being in a house and a school building with her siblings and family on a daily basis was sometimes stressful and annoying, Being in a tight space with them for Thirty Six hours was slightly on The Verge of unbearable.

The half Fairy was almost driven mad by her Master, Emmett, And Bellatrix. Her spider friend would not be quiet no matter how many times She asked her to be, And Emmett and her Master decided to get into multiple arguments about random things that did not matter.

So to say that the flight was not somewhat unbearable for Fayette Would be an understatement, And it would be like saying that Pluto is a planet.

And after finally landing after Two stops at different airports to get fuel, They finally made it To their airport in Italy that's Three hours away from where they will be staying, And luckily for the family Carlisle planned ahead and had Two SUV's rented ahead of time and waiting for the family at the airport, So when they arrived they could head straight to the Villa.

And after a not so small ride that somehow felt Longer than the plane ride to the half Fairy, As she was cramped in an even Smaller space and put in between her Master And Emmett, They made it to their humble abode where they will be staying for the next Week.

And Fayette wasted no time in getting settled in and getting her room Which fitting to her style was the smallest one in the villa, With its own little bathroom and walk in closet. And after unpacking and getting Orpheus and Patra Out of their crates and settled, The half Fairy Took her Three hours of rest, And like usual after waking up in a frantic screaming fury Ready to pounce the first Person she sees, She took a shower in her small bathroom and got ready For A relaxing day before the evening event.

And she spent said today with her family, They went into the small town they are staying in Which they were Lucky enough to do because of the weather being cloudy And did some shopping, A little sight seeing, And so forth.

And when evening came the villagers of the town they are staying in Began to sing and dance in the street, Which Fayette became interested in and before she knew it her Master and adoptive mother was pulling her in to the Crowd and began dancing around her, Which made her slightly uncomfortable But after a few moments she joined in.

And the family stayed there for hours and enjoyed the evening with the townspeople And Fayette got to try authentic Italian food which tasted heavenly on her tongue. By the time the evening wrapped the Fairy's mind was completely taken off of the event that was to come the next Evening, Along with her family as well.

And when they made it back to their villa The half Fairy wasted no time in telling her bird and snake friend of all of what she did, And showed them what she bought and she even got them a thing each as well, So they did not feel left out And they both loved it.

She got Patra A little stuffed Roman plushy That she could snuggle with, Since the snake is Obsessed with Roman history.

And she got Orpheus a Roman Empire Snow globe, Which he absolutely loved and would not stop pecking at in excitement.

And after spending quality time with all of her animals in her villa room She went to sleep, And it wasn't long before she awoke And it was the morning Leading up to the night event. And to say the atmosphere was not different than how it had been the day prior, Would be as if saying The Pacific Ocean is not the biggest.

Anxiety, Worry, And curiosity filled the air in the villa And with each hour that passed leading up to the event it grew thicker; And by the time It was time for everyone to get ready, The air was So thick with emotion, Heavy emotion That it could be cut with a spear.

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