(Arc 2) Chapter 5: Eichen, Where Discoveries and Victories Await!

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As one arc ends, a new one begins! Now that everyone's in the main setting, the story will be able to take off! I'm a little nervous about the journey ahead, as it will become increasingly difficult to build up Eichen, but I'll try my absolute best! By the way, I'll also need to start using POV's as well, as we continue to introduce characters. With that said, here we goooo!

<--------------------Beginning of Chapter-------------------->

Narrator: In the last Chapter, Matt had gotten sucked into a Black hole that was summoned by a mysterious Pokémon! Matt was then transported to the world of Pokémon, right in the Eichen Region! He is now on his way to the Pokémon center to get a better understanding of everything! And a new hero, named Ash, has also arrived in the Eichen Region. What does today's adventure have in store for our heroes, and when will they meet up?

~~~~~~~~~~Matt's Journey~~~~~~~~~~

   Matt ran towards the Pokémon center with a smile on his face. He had to admit, the place had a very traditional look to it. Instead of the generic building design that was kept throughout the years, this Pokémon center was made out of authentic Oak Wood. Despite it's externally traditional appearance, the interior was still equipped with the latest cutting-edge technology.

   The automatic doors slid open as Matt walked in. He walked to the front desk, where there was Nurse Joy. However, she had brown hair rather than the iconic pink hair.

   "Hello Nurse Joy!" Matt said to her.

   "Good morning. How may I help you?" Nurse Joy responded, offering a small bow.

   "I need help with directions. Do you know where the capital is, and how I can get there?" Matt stated bluntly.

   "But of course," Nurse joy said, pointing to the screen behind her as she brought up a map of the Eichen region. "Eichenheim is north of this current route. It's only about 10 miles away, so I recommend travelling by foot," She explained. "Are you planning to register for the league?"

   Matt scratched the back of his head. "Err, I guess so. I'm actually just trying to find my way around." After a bit of pondering, however, he added, "Although, I wouldn't be completely against the idea. But I don't actually have a Pokémon, you see."

   Nurse Joy nodded. "I understand. I would still recommend going to Eichenheim in favor of getting a Pokemon partner. On the other hand, perhaps it would be best to not register for the current league, as the Tri-Regional league is being hosted in place of our regional exclusive one."  

   Matt gave her a confused expression. "Wait, Tri-Regional league?" He had never heard about this before in the Pokémon world. Was this a new thing entirely?

   Nurse Joy zoomed out her map, now showing three regions. Matt recognized the two larger regions, being Eichen and Kalos. There was also a smaller region just north of the two, and an even smaller grayish area that was between all three regions.

   "Once every 7 years, there's a massive league that involves three regions, being Eichen, Kalos, and Belle. Since ancient times, they have been very great rivals against the other, sometimes going as far as to being enemies. Many travesties in our history were caused by this unhealthy rivalry. Unfortunately, this competitiveness has never gone away, and it is still very much present," Nurse Joy shook her head, and regathered her thoughts. "Where was I? Oh yes. The location of this league is set in a massive city that's in between the three regions. This is because none of the three regions have sole jurisdiction over the place, making it the mutually agreed place for leagues between the three," Nurse Joy explained to Matt, whose eyes were beginning to widen.

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