The Stars And The Sea (Phan)

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(Trigger warning, suicidal thoughts and character death)

You: Dan sat on the edge of the bridge, his legs dangling. He was in the exact place his mother was five years ago. When Dan was just 11 his mother took her own life, the hidden depression that no one saw kept anyone from helping her. Dan didn't understand at that age, but he did now. And he knows he should tell someone,he doesn't want anyone to feel how he felt when he was 11. But no one would care.The calm river below called him. He was just waiting to see how long it will take to answer that call. (If you dont like this one it's fine. I have many others just ask)

Stranger: Phil walked his usual walk home but tonight he went to go on the bridge way , He wanted to clear his head so decided on a longer route. He started to walk as he noticed a dark haired boy sitting uncomfortably near to the edge with his legs dangling halfway off. Phil wanted to rush over and pull him back but knew he would have to be slow and calm to not scare the dark haired male , He let out a small cough just so the other guy would know of his presence.

You: Dan was startled, he didn't hear of anyone else walking down. His hands were clenched to the railing. His head turned slightly to look at what he know knew was the male who made the noise. He wasn't exactly sure what to say, or if he had to say anything at all. For all the boy knew he was just looking over the water. "Hi". Dan decided to say something, his voice quiet.

Stranger: As the boy turn't to look at Phil he was a little overwhelmed at how intriguing he was, His voice sounded unsure and unsteady " everything okay?" Phil said starting to approach him a little more , It was a little odd to just be sitting on a bridge at 11pm with your legs dangling down.

You: "Yeah, I'm fine". Dan lied, something he learned how to do well over the years. His head turning back slightly, looking back over the dark water ahead. His fingers grazing the chipping paint of the bridge rail.

Stranger: Phil could tell by the boys tone that he was far from fine. He started to walk even closer and sat down just like the boy was doing , Dangling his legs an all "Peaceful isn't it" He said looking down at the river watching its movements.

You: Dan nodded, "Defiantly when it's dark, all you can see is how the water is crashing instead of the water itself". Dan said, keeping his head down at the water.

Stranger: Phil took in a deep breath of the warm summer air and exhaled it closing his eyes as he did "What are you doing here" He asked now turning his attention on the enchanting boy.

You: Dan didn't answer at first, he thought about if he should lie again or tell the truth. And what lie he could tell, but he couldn't think of any. "Nothing". He answered, knowing it was stupid and the worst thing he could say because it obviously shows somethings up.

Stranger: Phil let out a little laugh at the comment but not in a rude way "of course" he almost whispered. Phil looked back at the river then did something a little odd , He led his head down so half his body was on the bridge whilst his legs still dangling "the stars are beautiful tonight" he said as he looked up at them peacefully.

You: Dan nodded to agree, wondering what the boy was doing. "It's a perfect night". Dan said,the warm air along with his coat made him more then a cozy warm.

Stranger: "Lay down" Phil said knowing he sounded a little strange but he wanted the boy to look up at the night sky.

You: Dan was confused for a moment, why this stranger want's him to lay down, why he was even talking to him. Despite the worry Dan did what he said, looking up at the dark sky light up by very small stars that made up the night. Perfectly sound and beautiful.

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