The Second Time Lord.

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Stranger: (Doctor Who AU) Phil was currently sat on his roof, toying with the old pocket watch, looking at the sky as the sun faded again. False hope that maybe tonight he would see the mysterious blue box with the charming man inside, rose inside his chest. It was stupid for him to keep his hopes up like this, really. It had been nearly a whole month since the Doctor--who Phil had named Dan, because it was easier than 'Doctor'--dropped him off with a wary smile and false excitement that even Phil could see through. The Tardis seemed to protest a bit, but soon enough, it was off and hadn't returned since. If you would have told Phil that he would have explored far off lands, traveled in time, and nearly fell inside of the time vortex, a few years ago, he would have told you that only happened in his dreams. Far as far back as he could remember, he had dreams of this doctor character and his companions and his lovely Tardis. Phil couldn't remember much though, only from about age ten--when he was adopted--on. His parents said that the only thing he had was this old broken pocket watch. Phil kept it his entire life, finding the odd circular patterns on the back intrguing, but he never bothered to open it. It was broken, there was no point. "Oh, Doctor, where are you?" He sighed as he closed his eyes for a moment.

You: The noise swished in Dan's ear of the materializing sound, landing with a sudden jumble of the Tardis. Thank god, sometimes controlling this thing was crazy. He remembered leaving Phil back at his own time, it was too much to handle after he realized the fob he had. Was he a time lord like him? How did he live? Dan didn't know but after a few troubles he had ran into he tried to find Phil again. Hoping he didn't mess up with his times, he didn't want Phil waiting too long. He even named him Dan, no one else ever changed what they called him. It was incredible, and The Tardis puts up a fight when he leaves it. Dan opened the door and looked out.

Phil groaned as the moon reach full height in the sky, it was time to go inside. "Two months," He murmured to himself as he sat up and ruffled his hair. The moon high in the sky meant midnight, which meant that today was exactly two months since Dan had dropped him off and quickly whooshed away. No real explanation as to why Dan had to leave Phil, but he was gone, never returning. "You need to give up on him ever coming back. He's probably off with some girl in another when, forgot all about you," Phil said to himself as he dropped off the roof with a soft thud on the damp grass. "Stop talking to yourself, Phil, you're going nutters..." He sighed and shoved the watch inside his pocket and walked over to his swing-set. Being a 26 year old and still not wanting to go to bed on time, he liked swinging at night. It cleared his head.

You: Dan walked onto the grass, it was Earth. The Earthyest Earth he knew, "Good old Earth". He muttered, shutting and locking the door before walking off. He wasnt exactly sure how long it's been but he knew this place anywhere, it wasnt that long ago for him when he left Phil. He was back, hoping Phil was still here and alright. Having the chance of being one of him was the most exciting thing to happen to him in a while. "Where did I leave you". He said, looking around the streets. "My dark haired companion you better be here"! He yelled with a smile, he knew it was the right place.

Stranger: Phil was dimly swinging back and forth, the tip of his black VANS digging a small hole in the dirt in front of him, as he listened to the frogs and insects make noises in the grass all around him. It was calm, it was peaceful, and maybe it was just the right place to accept that he would never travel the stars again. Interrupting his moment of silence, Dan's voice cut like a knife and sent chills down his spine. Phil did't even have time to process what was going on before he was up and running towards the side of his house, where the voice came from. He nearly convinced himself that he was going crazier and had all but stopped, when the brown haired boy came into the dim light of the moon. "Dan!" Phil squealed, running again. He attacked him in a hug, wrapping his arms and legs around him and refusing to let go. "You left me..." He cooed into his neck as he took in the wonderful scent of the Tardis that lingered on Dan.

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