Im Blind For You Part 1

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You: Phil was walking down the halls, his hand up on the wall to make his way down to his next class room. Phil was blind, he always was. At his old school he at least had a couple friends to help him walk or get home. But at this school he had nothing, he had to keep to the walls the whole day and his mother came and got him because he couldn't walk to his new home alone. In his last class the teacher introduced a new student, but he or she didn't talk. Just went and sat down, so Phil knew nothing. But he doesn't know about anyone here to it makes a difference.

Stranger: Dan saw a new person sit down next to him and noticed something, He was wearing sunglasses.. Inside..During school. Dan bit on his lip and leaned in slightly
"Hey, you knew?" Dan whispered, biting on his bottom lip nervously

You: Phil jumped suddenly, the voice scaring him. This happened often at his old school, the bell made him jump most of the time. "Um, yeah. Im new". He said quietly. Phil wasn't much of a people person, he had some problems with trust. Defiantly in a new school.

Stranger: Dan bit his lip again "I'm sorry.. I diddn't mean to scare you.. I'm Dan" he said quietly. Upset with himself that he scared the new kid.. already

You: "H-Hi Dan, It's okay, im really jumpy. It's not your fault". Phil said, hearing the change in the boy's voice. His hands raised and rested on the desk in front of him, fiddling with his fingers.

Stranger: Dan bit down on his lip a bit harder.
"It's okay, I just thought you were scared of me or something" Dan laughed nervously

You: Phil chuckled, "Nah, im normally jumpy like that. You should see me when the bell rings, every time im like a spooked cat". He grinned.

Stranger: Dan's heart fluttered slightly at the boys smile.
"Just don't start hissing" Dan laughed "you know, I diddnt catch your name.."

You: "I'm Phil". He said. Phil would hold his hand out to shake Dan's but didn't want to put it out in the wrong way and make a fool of himself.

Stranger: "Phil. I like that name" Dan blushed slightly, pushing his fringe in his face. "so, where did you move from?"

You: Phil smiled small, he did count that as a compliment and he didn't get much of those. It was a nice change, "I moved from up north, my mum's work got brought down here so we moved. Not the easiest thing but in time it'll adjust".

Stranger: "People here are sorta nice, there are some people you should stay away from though.." Dan muttered, looking over at the group of jocks in the middle of the classroom

You: "There always are at least one person you should stay away from, i didn't expect a perfect school. But i never really get into that anyway, it's more of people talking behind my back with me. Which is easier then you know". Phil chuckled.

Stranger: "Well, I feel like i have to say this, well, I'm not like that.. I won't do that to you" Dan spoke quietly, he sounded like a idiot but he diddnt care.

You: "I guessed, you seem nice. You talked to me so i assumed you didn't think bad of me yet". Phil said and smiled.

Stranger: "How could I think bad of you? You seem quite amazing, honestly" Dan admitted, blushing slightly

You: "Well i can assure you i am not amazing, but you could be surprised the shit i had to go though before. I guess being different scared people so they stayed away from me".

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