part-80(hurt teja)

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Rohan:ur wife was my classmate...  n I just hate her she use to always top in class..  then in 10 too she topped ... she forgot that girls place is in our feet .. n now in business she was achieving... no I can't let her fly ... if u can't keep ur wife under ur shoes na then someone has to.

Kk slapped Rohan..

Kk: do u Even realize what u r talking n what u have done .. n I feel bad for yr wife n its not ur mistake ur father n mother gave u this kind of teaching... I just want to kill u right here but I m not like than let government take action... but before that  .. he again slap him  ..

N here teja sat on bed with a shock n emotional n hurted n  what not but she didn't know how to react...

Then in press meet police came n took him... n kk turned towards media..

Kk: I never been rude with anyone of u .... but do u guys realize what u were doing... n because of all this many things get effected....n everyone I request before posting about anyone just try to confirm  them .. please.... n before going there is some snacks arranged for u all have n go thank u..

Saying this kk went towards him cabin ... n sat on chair n was thinking something with close eyes..n there teja packed tiffin n took cab...because car was having some default...n soon she reached office n directly went towards his cabin n with knocking she entered his cabin...

Kk who was lost in his thoughts didn't realize that someone came in his cabin..

Teja kept the bag on table n directly went towards kk pulled his chair little back n sat on him n hugged him...kk's got scared as someone pulled his chair n sat on him but from the touch the smell he got relaxed n a smile n a calmness came on his face..

Kk: princess..

Teja: hm..

Kk: u r fine .

Teja: more then fine sunny..

Kk: I know u have heard everything...u have seen everything I know it..but just ignore it n don't care for it..

Teja:sunny I really don't care for anyone he was not close to me or he was something who matters for me ... I m not angry nor sad .. I m fine really...

Kk: y do u trust me so much..

Teja: because its something u will never break that I know from the time we met n y its because this is connection of hearts... sunnyy leave all this cone let's have breakfast...see I brought the tiffin..

Kk then remembered there morning fight... n till then teja got up n went towards sofa n started arranging the table

Kk: I m not hungry..

Teja: sunnyyy please keep aside ur anger for now please because I m very hungry... please..

Kk: but..

Teja: please na sunny... don't say anything...

Kk then didn't say a word n then started having...teja opened her mouth thinking he will feed her but he didn't..

Kk: teja have urself na..

That was it for here.. she really wanted to spend time with him she just wanted to eat from his hand...

Teja got up from her place..

Teja: sorry I think I did mistake coming here..  from morning I m trying to make u understand... maybe I m wrong because I just wanted to enjoy my life ...sorry Karan...

Saying this teja left him n went out...

Kk was not understanding what just happened...kk didn't say anything just packed the tiffin back n kept it there...

Then he had few meetings n in evening he had to go for a meeting so he n omi were going...they were in car n kk was driving..

Kk: omi please inform teja that we are going for a meeting n we will be late n dinner we will have with them so tell her to not wait for me..

Omi who didn't have any idea told everything to teja ... teja who didn't eat anything from morning was waiting for kk n as omi informed....she got up n went towards there room took pillow n went towards sofa n slept there...tears were falling from her eyes n she herself doesn't know when she slept

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