part-89(what the hell )

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N after that night few days passed n kk n teja spend a lot time together...

N from today they are joining office... n teja was packing tiffin for themselves n kk was arranging there room n cleaning it... soon they both left for office

In office no one knew that from today they are going to join...

All office staff were enjoying talking standing here n there... n they were very less once working...

And as they both entered... kk's eyes was shocked to see all this...n teja knew that now all are gone today all will face the anger young man...

Kk: what the hell is going on here...

Staff was shocked to here kk's voice n all turned towards him...n it was clearly written on his face that his anger was on very high level...

Kk: this is what u all come for... m I paying u all to do time pass..

One of the member:  sir we were about to...
Kk: about to what ... n don't give me any explanation... I know what's going on...u all have 1 hour time and at 11 there is a team meeting n I want to know each and everyone's work which they have done In past 15 days ... because till now u have seen soft kk but I m soft till the work is done but I m very difficult If it's not... so if u all didn't be ready with ur now start ur work..

Then kk holds tejas hand n talk in his cabin...

Teja hugged kk..

Teja: I love boss kk...he looks very hot in anger young man look but I love sunny more he is very cute..

Kk: yar princess I m hot not cute...yar girls die on my hotness n u r saying me cute..uff....

Teja:..u r cute hot anything but only for me understood..

Kk: uff  .. what a view of ur hot anger...

Teja: sunny I m hungry..

Kk: what... I mean now only we had breakfast right... by the way now a days u get hungry a lot .. u look like panda my laddoo..

Teja: u called Me fat...ahh I m not talking with u.... yes I m hungry any problem if yes ...then that's ur problem I m eating from my husband's money... so shut ur mouth..

Kk: uff my anger panda I m joking say what u want I will order..

Teja:  hm sandwiche ... no no no burger... no no pizza  yes pizza..

Kk: confirm pizza..

Teja: yes..

Kk: then after having pizza u have to eat ur medicine because u have allergic from cheese

Teja: ookk..

Then kk ordered pizza..n then he started on his chair n teja was sitting on his lap..she was looking sad

Kk: what happened baby ..

Teja: sunny I trouble u a lot na..

Kk: no baby .. u don't.. I love to pamper u .. n ur this site is very rare to see so relax jaan...

Soon her pizza came n she was about to eat but the smell of cheese..made her feel like vomiting

She just got up n ran towards washroom which was present in his cabin n vomited kk ran behind her n rub her back..

After sometime kk brought her out...

Kk: princess what happened... u r fine.. let's go near Dr..

Teja: no no sunny I m totally fine ... I don't know but the smell or Cheese just I couldn't control... I m sorry sunny...

Kk: shh . U go home n rest I will handle everything..

Teja: no no .. now I m fine .. n if I go home ..I will be alone... n will get bored n here I will be working n even closer to u..

Kk: ok but if u feel anything inform me.. now u rest in my cabin only I will attend the meeting..

Teja:  I will also join.

Kk: no no don't... u rest for sometime.. n no more discussion on this ..

Teja: y r u so rude..stupid

Kk: anger young man.... rude... stupid....m I dreaming my princess is saying this

Teja: then what should I.. I m saying I m fine then y r u not listening...

Kk: uff y r u getting angry baby I m joking ok relax.. n rest here let me come after taking some class...

Kk went towards the meeting hall n he was very angry he fired 7 members n many got warnings...

N here teja was on call n was very angry. ....

Kk came from the meeting towards his cabin...n

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