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Kunigami Has To Leave?

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You and Reo were both panting heavily after the intense match. You had been fighting each other determined to come out on top. But now, lying on the floor, feeling frustrated and exhausted, you couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment.

You and Shidou had won the match, which meant that only one person from the other pair could join you two on the team. And while you and Shidou had a 'strong' bond as teammates, you couldn't help but feel torn. You wanted both Reo and Kunigami on the team, but it just wasn't meant to be.

Shidou was standing there, watching all three of you intently with a smirk on his face. You could feel his eyes on you, waiting for your reaction. You knew he enjoyed this power, being able to choose who would join the team and who would be left behind.

''I pick the purple one. You're out, Tangerine'' Shidou said calmly, his voice dripping with smugness. Kunigami's eyes widened as he stared at Shidou, even you were in disbelief. You couldn't believe he was really going to do this.

''OI WHAT THE F*CK?!'' You yelled at him, quickly getting up from the floor. Shidou just smirked down at you, clearly enjoying the chaos he had caused.

''Only one of your friends gets to stay, and you seemed more close to the purple one, so purple it is'' He cooed, gently patting your head. You turned your gaze to Kunigami, who was now standing there, his face a mixture of frustration and anger.

💭 ''No...Kunigami...''

Just a few minutes ago, you and Kunigami had been fighting side by side. But now, he had to leave Blue Lock and it broke your heart. You could see the disappointment in his eyes, and you knew that he must be feeling betrayed by your decision.

You stood there, feeling a lump form in your throat. You didn't know what to say or do. You wanted to apologize to Kunigami, to explain that you had no control over Shidou's decision. But you also couldn't deny that you were happy to have Reo on the team.

As the reality of the situation sunk in, you couldn't help but feel guilty. You had let your friendship with Kunigami take a backseat to your ambition to become the best soccer player in Japan. But now, you were starting to realize that maybe that wasn't the right choice.

💭 ''I hate this...Kunigami...''

💭 ''Of course I'm happy that Reo is here...but Kunigami looked out for me like an older brother...F*ck you Antenna Head!''

Now the match was over, Reo had joined your team, forming a trio. Shidou had left, leaving only you three. Kunigami finally looked at you, his expression softening. 

''It's not your fault. And I'm not mad at you. I'm just disappointed that it had to end this way'' He said, his voice filled with sadness.

You three stood there in silence for a few moments, before Kunigami spoke again. 

''I have to go now. But I wanted to say goodbye and wish you luck in Blue Lock'' He said, giving you a small smile.

Tears were now streaming down your face as you realized that this was really goodbye. You hugged Kunigami tightly, wishing things could have been different.

''Take care of yourself, Kunigami. And don't forget about me'' You said, trying to hold back your tears, he let out a chuckle

''I won't. Take care of yourself too, and don't forget about our dream'' He replied, before pulling away and walking away from the field.

As you watched him leave, you couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness inside. You had lost a friend and a teammate, all because of your own selfishness. But you were determined to make things right and prove to Kunigami that you were worthy of his friendship.

''Oh and...I know you're a girl'' He stopped and locked back you, smirking

Your mouth dropped to the floor


''HEHHHH?!!'' Your yelled in shock, he was laughing

''It was pretty previous, but I didn't say anything'' He mumbled

''Win it, Y/n.'' Was all he said before disappearing into the abyss

You couldn't help but smile at him.



You and Reo were relaxing in your shared room after a long day of practice. Reo was on his phone, scrolling through, while you were in the middle of the room, doing handstand push ups. Reo glanced up and watched in awe as you effortlessly performed the challenging exercise.

''Holy shit...I didn't realize you were this strong'' Reo muttered, his eyes still fixed on you. You couldn't help but giggle at his reaction.

''Ahh well...what can I say...I'm a ball of surprise'' You laughed, causing Reo to smile in amusement.

Just then, Shidou, burst into the room and threw a football at you. The sudden hit caused you to lose your balance and fall to the ground. Shidou couldn't contain his laughter as he watched your reaction.


''Shidou f*cking Ryusei!!'' You yelled in frustration, making him laugh even harder. Reo's expression turned serious, and the two of you ran after Shidou, determined to get revenge.

Shidou sprinted back to the practice field, while you and Reo ran like wild children, a ball in your hand. As Shidou turned around to see how close you were, you blasted the ball towards him, hitting him right in the ass. A loud thud echoed through the field as Shidou fell to the ground, yelling in pain.

''OWWW!!'' He screamed, holding onto his injured butt. You and Reo couldn't hold back your laughter, and the two of you collapsed to the ground, tears streaming down your faces.

''Damn Y/n...I think you cracked his ass...yikes...'' Reo chuckled, trying to catch his breath.

''He likes annoying me, but guess what, so do I...'' You smirked, feeling satisfied with your revenge.

Shidou got up, his face red with anger, and started chasing after you. You and him were like cats and dogs, always trying to outdo each other and loving to annoy one another. Reo, being the smart one, pulled out his phone and started recording the whole thing.

In the midst of all the chaos, Shidou managed to slap your stomach, causing you to let out a pained grunt. Shidou couldn't help but laugh at your reaction.

''OI!'' You yelled at him


''My poor dare you hurt my f*cking angry bird!'' You growled, before grabbing onto his hair and putting him in a headlock. You wrapped your legs around him to hold him in place, all while Reo captured the moment on his phone.

However, in the heat of the moment, you couldn't see the look of shock on Reo's face as he witnessed the intimate position you were in with Shidou. It wasn't until you realized and looked up at him, your eyes widening in embarrassment, that Reo dropped his phone in surprise.

''Uhh...Sakurai...what are you doing?'' Reo mumbled quietly, trying to give you an eye signal to let you know what was going on.

''Crap...'' You mumbled in shock

As soon as you realized, you pushed Shidou away, quickly standing up and turning around to face Reo with a blush on your cheeks.

''I-I...just wanted to teach him a lesson...'' You stuttered, trying to come up with an excuse. Reo just raised an eyebrow at you, a knowing smirk plastered on his face.

And so Shidou was glaring daggers at you, whilst you walked back with a proud smile on your face. 

''I hate you'' He yelled

''Feelings mutual, buddy'' You waved at him

To be continued...

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