Still You..

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Baby sleek x Ex!reader


 A popular dance show, Street Women Fighter 2

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 A popular dance show, Street Women Fighter 2. Among the talented dancers, two stood out - Baby Sleek, a renowned hip-hop dancer, and Y/n, a young, vibrant girl with a passion for dance.

Baby Sleek, known for her powerful moves and charismatic stage presence, was a veteran in the dance industry. Y/n, on the other hand, was a fresh face, her youthful energy and innovative choreography quickly making her a fan favorite. Their chemistry was undeniable, and they soon became the show's power couple. However, differences in their approach to dance and the pressure of the competition led to their breakup, leaving their fans heartbroken.

Years passed, and a hip hop competition was announced. The news of Baby Sleek and y/n's return on a same show sent waves of excitement among the fans. The anticipation of their reunion was palpable.

The day finally arrived. As Baby Sleek walked into the dance studio, her heart pounded in her chest. She spotted y/n across the room, her heart skipping a beat. Ian had matured, her dance style more refined, but her youthful charm was still intact. Baby Sleek couldn't help but admire her from afar.

As the music started, Baby Sleek found herself drawn to Ian. Their eyes met, and for a moment, everything else faded away. It was as if they were the only two people in the room. Their bodies moved in sync with the rhythm, their chemistry as palpable as ever.

Despite the years and their past differences, Baby Sleek realized her feelings for y/n hadn't changed. She was still in love with her. The age difference that once seemed significant now felt trivial. Y/n was not just the young girl she had fallen for years ago; she was a woman who had grown, matured, and yet, still held the same charm that had drawn Baby Sleek to her in the first place.

As the music faded, Baby Sleek made a decision. She would not let their past hold them back. She would fight for their love, just as passionately as she fought on the dance floor. After all, love, like dance, was about taking chances, about moving with the rhythm, and most importantly, about never giving up.

{omg this was fun to write! Anyways thank you for supporting me and pls go comment in the req chp if you wanna request something! Thank you and please gimme reqs!}

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{omg this was fun to write! Anyways thank you for supporting me and pls go comment in the req chp if you wanna request something! Thank you and please gimme reqs!}

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