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Haechiwang x P!reader


CheatingMarried, Unplanned Pregnancy,cheater Haechiwang,pregnant reader, cheating, imsorryformakinghaechianasshole, gp!Haechi


Three years of marriage to Wang (Haechiwang) Hyeji had been filled with adventures, laughter, and love. The bond you shared was unbreakable, or so you thought. Today was supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life. You had discovered that you were expecting a child, a little life growing within you, and you couldn't wait to share the news with Haechi.

The day had felt endless as you carried the secret with you, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips at all times. Finally, your workday had come to an end, and you rushed home, anticipation bubbling in your chest. The drive was a blur of excitement, your heart racing with the thought of seeing Haechi's reaction.

Parking in the garage of your beautiful home, you practically leaped out of the car, your shoes slipping off in your haste. You barely noticed, though, as you dashed through the house and up the stairs, clutching the covered positive pregnancy test like a precious treasure. The image of Haechi's surprised but joyful expression played in your mind, and you couldn't wait to share this moment with her.

As you reached your bedroom door, a brilliant smile illuminated your face. You pushed it open, ready to spill the wonderful news.

“Babe, I have some—“

But the words caught in your throat and your smile faltered


Your heart seemed to stop as your eyes fell upon the scene before you.

There, in the arms of another woman, was Haechi. You took in her naked figure on your bed.

Her expression was a blank, void of emotion as the woman in your bed with brilliant blonde hair proceeded to continue pleasuring her, her head bobbing up & down, but 

her gaze remains locked onto yours. The room seemed to close in around you, the happiness and excitement of your pregnancy announcement suddenly crushed by the weight of the truth that lay before you.

You stood frozen in the doorway, unable to tear your eyes away from the painful scene before you. A whirlwind of emotions churned within you—confusion, hurt, and a sense of betrayal. Questions raced through your mind, but the words remained trapped in your throat.

You were snapped out of your trance and your body jolted and immediately cringed at the gagging sounds of the woman, as she choked on your wife’s cock, her hand with a fistful of her hair pushing her head down and grunting from pleasure.

Haechi laid in your bed, not moving whatsoever. She picked up an already lit cigar that lay on an ashtray also on the bedside table and took a big puff and exhaled the smoke blowing it in your direction, her gaze still locked on you and then proceeded to roll her eyes. Her visage once remaining unchanged contorted into an expression of annoyance. “Close the door on the way out, yeah?” She said nonchalantly. Your grip on the pregnancy test tightened, your knuckles turning white. A mix of anger and sadness welled up within you, making it hard to find your voice. You stood there paralyzed, not knowing what to do next.

Fury surged within you, your heart pounding with a mixture of disbelief and anger. “Who the hell is she?” you shouted, your voice shaking with a potent mixture of hurt and rage. Your grip on the pregnancy test tightened until it felt like it might break.

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