Texting Au (pt1)

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Haechi x y/n


Warnings: None, just Y/n being gay and crackhead along with the other 3 poganda


Gay wolves (7)

Baby sleek- guys I need your opinion about this years theatre production

Chocol- Why do we care about the production

Baby sleek- because I am the director

Mini- hot.

Y/n- hot.

Halo- what are the options

Baby sleek- ill list them and you can vote on your favourite

1)Three Musketeers

Haechi- The chocolate bar?

Y/n- Is it the barbie one though

Haechi - ^^^

Baby sleek- why would it be the barbie version

Y/n- barbie slaps

Baby sleek - no you idiots the William Anthony McGuire version

Y/n- pass

Baby sleek- 2) The Nutcracker

Y/n- the barbie version??


Halo- woAH no need to get angry

Y/n- :((

Halo- you better apologise to her right this second

Yeni- Halo give the word and well beat her ass

Mini- Beat her ass

Haechi- Beat her ass

Baby sleek- Beat her ass

Y/n- Dont beat her up!!

Yeni- damn how boring

Chocol- im sorry reader im just really stressed rn

Y/n- its ok :))

Haechi- peace has been restored, the birds are singing, children are laughing

Mini- What fucking children

Halo- All of them

Chocol- Please continue the list so I can fuck off out of here

Baby sleek- aight
3) The lion king
4) Hairspray
5)Beauty and the beast
6) Hamilton

Y/n- beauty and the beast

Yeni- God do you still have a crush on the beast that was like 10 years ago

Y/n- don't try and shame me bitch

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