iii. 𝖍𝖆𝖎𝖑, 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕴𝖗𝖔𝖓 𝕸𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓 !

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―  THE LAST SIX YEARS have been a nightmare; the prophecy of the goddess born under the moon's watchful eyes, things have begun to spiral out of control

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―  THE LAST SIX YEARS have been a nightmare; the prophecy of the goddess born under the moon's watchful eyes, things have begun to spiral out of control. Kalseru Knight, the man responsible for everything, watches in horror ― the strong wish for his death didn't mean the death of countless of women.

IN THE BRINK OF MADNESS, the Envoys were never seen again; not even the great Harbinger of Destruction, to even sort out this chaos. Those who've watched, helpless and unable to even change anything, pray to the gods ― only for those same prayers to fall under deaf ears.

THE PANTHEON OF GODS, in their greatest glory and prayer, fueled the chaos further by sending prophets of falsehood ― they begun their work by creating and making false divine teachings that would be backed up by the enigmatic pantheon of gods. What these prophets would do, in the name of the gods, would sound insane ― but then Kalseru realized this would only further the prophecy, these deaths however, wouldn't be fully excused.

THE WITCH HUNTS were set in motion by Kalseru; and while the pantheon of gods have promised Knight of his final rest and how his legacy would live on, he was made unaware that he would be mentioned in bloodshed and chaos. His anger would be silenced, Kalseru tried to speak these things to Keres, but unbeknowst to him, she would fulfill the prophecy of his death; one that spoke of malevolent death.

IN THE GRUESOME DEATHS, Keres Nightshade came to realize soon enough that she would be part of this witch hunt ― in the heat of the witch hunts, women were being hunted down to finally narrow down the true witch. Mages, Witch Hunters, Sorcerers that hailed off the isles elsewhere had come to aid the witch hunts and finally narrow it down resulting in a myriad of ways of torturing and killing innocent blood.

SCREAMS OF TORTURE slowly turned to malevolent laughter; the women, the "witches" being hunted down for sport, were beginning to laugh in a manner that would send chills down the spines of countless men who've aided the witch hunts.

PAINED LAUGHTER ECHOED, the women began laughing ― groaning and controlled screams that would soon turn into something far more sinister. They were speaking a language, spewing out sounds that would send someone into a quick spiral to madness. Though most mages, sorcerers, omens and other mystical users wouldn't know of the language these women were speaking, there was one who knew it all too well ― Kalseru Knight.

THEIR LAUGHTER, GREW AND GREW. Kalseru Knight watched in horror as his language was being spoken, their laughter grew and grew more hysterical ― it was no longer words spoken, but an enchantment, and before Kalseru could even warn the others to not attack the women, it was too late. Their bodies burned and with the forbidden techniques used mages and sorcerers, their bodies began to fade and left nothing but vile screams.

THOUGHT TO BE OVER, the women's voices would echo one final time ― their language reverting back to normal, they called unto the goddess born into the realm and what they spoke sent more chills down the spines of everyone who heard it.

"Our death is all but to usher in the goddess; the mistress of atrocity and decider of fates. Hail the goddess of destruction ― Hail the Iron Maiden !" 

 Hail the goddess of destruction ― Hail the Iron Maiden !" 

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others of note ―

WE REACHED 100+ READS Y'ALL !! thank you !!

i wanna dedicate this to ninetiesloki , cherriswft , tazumii + murderszn !!

HAD TO REVAMP this chapter !! because wattpad decided to post an unfinished chapter. sorry !!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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