Put Some Pep in Your Step 2

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A/N: I'M NOT DEAD YET PEOPLE! But for real, college is on my ass right now with the end of the year approaching.

The main lights of the gym went off as the last remaining students found a seat. It was quiet until the school's band could be heard. The spotlights started circling the gym. The sounds of drums beating got more intense.

"It's starting," Mikey said excitedly

The spotlights and drumming abruptly stopped but then played again once the lights cut back on. The band kids were playing the football theme and the cheerleaders were out. 

They did various flips and tricks. Then came the toss. The girl in the air did many acrobatics.

"YOU GO UPSIDE DOWN GIRL" Spinelli shouted.

Ah yes, Upside Down girl had graduated from the recess bars to high bars and pom poms. After elementary school, she decided to take up cheer camp and gymnastics. This came in handy as she managed to snag a scholarship into college.

The cheerleaders then grabbed a big banner and lined it up. 

"Here they come" Said Gus

The football team ran out, tearing the banner and hollering and hyping up the crowd. Everyone cheered with excitement and the gang was cheering for Vince. The football team and the cheerleaders began to dance together as the band started playing Kernkraft 400. (That's a popular sports chant song for those who don't know) The coach then came out with a microphone.

"First Street, make some noise!!"

The crowd followed with cheers


The crowd cheered even louder. 

"We're so glad that you guys could come out to support the First Street Troopers (That's the mascot) 

The crowd then did the signature 3 stomps to support the mascot.

"Before we get to some games, let's cheer for our football team members!"

The coach began to call out each team member's name one by one, when he got to Vince, everyone was out of their seats and cheering like crazy. After calling everyone out it was time to start the pep rally pre-games.

"Alright then, we'll be starting out with the game Are You Better Than A Footballer? You guys know how the rules go. There is a one-on-one competition between a team member and someone and whoever gets the most answers right wins."

"The two competitors will be Gretchen Grundler and Mike Davis"

"Oooo" The crowd was excited to see this

"You got this Gretch," said Spinelli

Gretchen walked down from the bleachers to face Mike and the pair were handed buzzers.

"Alright, this is simple, hit the buzzer once you know the answer. Nice and fair game now, okay?" The coach said.

They both nodded

Gretchen and Mike were quizzed on football trivia. Mike had an early lead but Gretchen stood firm and ended up winning by one point. 



"This is the moment you've all been waiting for, it's the school spirit scream competition!" The coach announced "Everyone participating please make your way to the floor".

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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