Chapter 16 - Facing

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A woman with messy hair the colour of chocolate made her way through the halls of the hospital and reached the doctor's office, knocking on the door. "Hello, it's Katherine. I'm here for my check-up," she called.

After a few questions, the doctor called in his assistant, a nurse Katherine was familiar with, and she laid on the bed for their examinations. The prolonged silence made her extremely anxious despite having experienced this several times before. Tears brimmed in her hazel eyes when the doctor began to speak but she managed to keep a smile on her face through his words.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Katherine?" the nurse asked, her eyebrows creased together. "You should really just..."

"I'm sure," she responded firmly. "I can't let my body control me this time around. Even if it's for just a little longer, I want to be able to live however I wish. Maybe it'll be terrifying out there, maybe it'll cause me pain. But that's just how life is after all, right?"

The nurse's hands flew over her mouth and she teared up. This was the girl she had been assisting and looking after for years, the girl she'd seen lose her whole family and have to fend for herself. Her situation was growing paler and more dismal by the second, and here she was, being so strong and brave.

"We'll have to let Madam Pomfrey know so she will receive and administer the medicine to you. Is that alright?" asked the doctor.

"Yeah, I suppose it can't be avoided."

"Don't worry dear, it will be exactly like how she did it when you were thirteen," said the nurse wiping her eyes.

"I know," Katherine said with a nod. Her doctor handed her a slip of paper as confirmation.

As soon as she got out of the room, she apparated into Hogsmeade and dove into the garden with the pear tree to kneel beneath it. A brown leaf landed on her head, tickling her cheek and dropping onto the ground like a fallen star. The only sound besides the humid breeze sweeping through the foliage was the weeping of a woman who wished with all her heart for her fate to change its course.


It was another magical school year for the students at Hogwarts. Katherine leaned on her door anxiously, waiting for Severus. For the first time in a while, she decided to wear her brown robes in order to blend in with the rest of the professors. Once the ceaseless chatter of excitement echoed through the walls, she knew the students were here. She had always imagined what it would be like to dine in the Great Hall amongst the professors, having merry conversations about their lives. Never had she thought she would ever experience it... until he had suggested it. He thinks he's so hopeless, but he was the one who gave me this courage to face my fear... honestly, the man should really see how important he is, thought Katherine, her eyes on the floor in front of her.

A familiar pair of black leather shoes and pants entered her view. She smiled and looked up. "Severus!"

"Katherine," he acknowledged with a nod. "The Sorting Ceremony will commence soon, we should go before that happens."

She walked alongside him, the nerves fluttering in her stomach. Feelings of fear, uncertainty, anticipation and excitement overwhelmed her all at once, it was hard to stabilise her mind and body. Katherine grabbed Severus' hand, a blush rising to her cheeks when he stopped and looked at her.

"Don't let go until we're inside," she whispered, her hazel eyes pleading at him. "I'm not sure if I could take it..."

The black-clad man continued through the corridor without a verbal response, but from his quick squeeze of her hand, she knew he would adhere to her wishes. His hand is warm... it feels so secure, she thought, her heart picking up its pace even more than before. Her nerves were especially heightened today.

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