Chapter 21 - Convening

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Severus had been reluctant to go anywhere public with Katherine anymore. He had let his guard down way too much with the Yule Ball where any wandering eyes could have noticed and he didn't want to allow a repeat. However, she had insisted on going to Hogsmeade the following weekend, and he happened to have planned something else there later that day.

So here he was, walking around with her as she revisited many of the stores. She went to Zonko's first, admiring all the unique products, then to Honeydukes for more sweets and finally to the Post Office. He remembered that she had been interested in the letter sets last time they were here. Indeed, Katherine immediately went to the shelves and started picking up a bunch.

"Look, it's so cute!" she exclaimed, showing him one decorated with cartoon bears and another one with cats. There were also a few painted ones which she had her eye on. Eventually, she settled on five and bought them at the front desk.

"Who are they for?" Severus questioned as they walked outside.

She smiled but didn't reveal her inner thoughts. "Friends... I guess," she said before taking out a pocket watch and checking it. "You said you were meeting with someone in around an hour and I also arranged to go shopping with Minerva around then, so want to relax in the Three Broomsticks before that?"

"Yes, we can do that."

Katherine knew she had been there many times in the past few months, but she thoroughly enjoyed conversing with Rosmerta and had vowed to try out all the foods on the menu. Every experience there was another fun memory to her.

This time, she called directly for the barmaid, an idea sparking in her head.

"Why hello again, Katherine!" the blonde-haired woman called as she reached them.

"Rosmerta, it's good to see you," she responded, "Do you know Severus?"

Rosmerta looked to the man beside her, with his signature scowl etched on his face. She smiled. "Yes, I do. It's not everyday you see a skilled Potions Master around here," she said kindly.

As expected, Severus remained silent. "Didn't you mention wanting to learn to brew something the other day?" asked Katherine, attempting to involve him in the conversation, "Maybe Severus could help sometime." He shot a glare at her. He had no idea what Katherine was trying to do, but he didn't like the sound of it.

"Oh yes, I wanted to be able to brew Dreamless Sleep Potion without a textbook or recipe," Rosmerta recalled, "Not long ago, I was having nightmares about... the past, I suppose."

This caught Severus' attention, being something that he had experienced countless times himself. "How often?" he questioned.

She frowned, as if trying to remember. "Not too often. You see, I lost my mother to You-Know-Who in the First Wizarding War and sometimes my mind just tries to remind me of the pain. It's been a while, but there are moments where I still wonder about all the possibilities if it weren't true."

"I'm sorry for your loss," the other woman said, touching her arm. Rosmerta shook her head and smiled.

Katherine could see a spark of empathy in Severus' eyes even though he didn't say anything in response. He pursed his lips, as if thinking carefully. "I suppose... I could go over the brew with you before the semester begins again."

Surprise lit up in Rosmerta's green eyes. "That would be much appreciated, thank you."

He nodded curtly. Afterwards, she took their order and left for the kitchens. His head whipped towards Katherine. "What was that?" he hissed, narrowing his eyes at her.

"What was what?" she said innocently.

"Do not... play dumb with me, you know you didn't have to intentionally refer to me," growled Severus.

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