Chapter 17 - Evading

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After Harry Potter had been selected as a Triwizard Tournament champion despite being underage, the school was full of chaos. Students either cheered for him and promoted him endlessly, or jeered at him and mocked him with 'Potter stinks' badges that Draco Malfoy made. Severus pitied him, but was no less harsh on him during class. There was no room for the boy to be slacking on his studies regardless — coddling him wouldn't help in any way.

However, one night, he was patrolling the grounds when he noticed a dark silhouette outside the castle, sitting behind a tree. He slowly approached the boy, making sure his footsteps did not make a sound. Severus was startled to make out Potter, who was staring at the Black Lake with tears in his eyes, which appeared even greener in the moonlight. It was strange, but seeing him like this stirred something in his heart. He almost wanted to reach out and tell him that everything would be fine... perhaps because Severus had often sat in this position when he was younger, pondering his own miserable life. And sometimes he would even see those same pair of emerald eyes smiling back at him under that tree as Lily consoled him and reminded him of all his good qualities. The sight before him brought back those memories, triggering a pain in his heart.

"Potter," he snapped in a low voice.

The raven-haired boy jumped slightly and turned his head, his face full of horror. Harry stood immediately. "Sir, I..."

He was met by an intense stare. He felt extremely intimidated, unsure of what the professor would do. There were so many possibilities and he wouldn't even be surprised if the ruthless Potions Master expelled him right there and then. "I'm really sorry sir, please-"

"On the patched wall near the east lower floor, there is a concealed door," began Severus, before glaring at the boy, who was still rambling.

"Please sir, I must've been uh- sleepwalking... andthenIendedup- wait what?"

"I was not asking for your excuses, you foolish boy. As I was saying, you should see Miss Cross. Her room is the concealed door on the patched wall near the east lower floor," he repeated, sounding very irritated. "And do not tell her I was the one who told you to go."

"Miss Cross?" questioned Harry, confused. Was she going to give him a punishment?

"Yes, do you need me to repeat everything again to get it into your thick skull, Potter? Miss Cross, the school counsellor."

"O-Oh. But why?"

Severus rolled his eyes. "What do you think a school counsellor does?"

"Really? I-I mean, aren't you going to like... give me detention or something..." he stuttered, then mentally chastised himself for mentioning it.

"Fifty points from Gryffindor. Go back to your dormitory and if I see you roaming around again, I guarantee you will not step foot in this school again," he said, sneering at the confused boy.

Severus stalked off, but Harry rushed towards him. "W-Wait, Professor! Where was the concealed door again?"

He let out an exasperated sigh, "Dunderhead." He grabbed a spare piece of parchment from his pocket and waved his wand, engraving the words and handing it to Harry. Without another glance back, he stalked off, his black cloak drifting behind him and blending in with the dark of night. At that moment, he had a thought that even surprised himself. The boy isn't all like his father after all.


To say that Katherine was shocked when Harry Potter showed up at her door was an understatement. She almost fell over, unable to believe her eyes, and grabbed the doorframe to steady herself.

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