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"She will try to kill you."

You follow Neyt as he leads you and some other young Na'vi from the village up the mountains.

Stopping by the edge where the direhorses can't come with any longer.

"Learning to ride an Ikran, we call them banshees, is the test every young hunter has to pass."

Neyt address the youngsters in Na'vi and they hurry to stand before him.

You walk over to the edge, gazing up at the floating mountains you're about to climb.

"But to do that, you gotta go where the banshees are."

You put your bow around your body before turning to wait for Neyt's go ahead.


You climb up the flaunting mountains hanging off each other with wines.

Neyt climbing to the top first and you right after. The younger ones right after you.

"Now what?" You ask him.

He doesn't answer, just waits.

When a wine from the mountain ahead floats by he jumps on it and climbs up it.

You chuckle in disbelief before seeing the others pass you following Neyt's lead.

Jumping you grab a wine and climb it.


You run over a long branch between two mountains.


You run out of the cave after the other and see all the ikran flying around.

Leaning on your bow you pant, still not as strong as the others.

One ikran with a rider flies up to you and land beside you. You sigh in annoyance to yourself at Tsu'ti jumping off her ikran.

She looks at your panting forgive in disgust and you roll your eyes.

Neyt greets her in politeness. Before walking to you.

Tsu'ti gives him a flirtatious look but he completely ignores her as he walks up to you.

He's about to tell you that you can watch the others do it first, but Tsu'ti interrupts him.

Standing beside her younger brother she speaks up with crossed arms.

"Y/nY/l/n should go first." She suggests, challenging you.

Neyt glares at her, making her squirm slightly and look away from his hard glare. But you just scoff at her comment and straighten up, moving to go.

You stop by Tsu'ti, you reach out your bow and arrows to her, not looking at her, she rolls her eyes and snatches them from you in annoyance.

Neyt follows you out, not before giving Tsu'ti another quick disapproving look.


Walking out the cave you carefully make your way closer to the Ikrans.

Staying under the water fall you look out on all the ikran.

"Now, you must choose your ikran." Neyt tells you putting a hand on your shoulder looking at you. "This you must feel inside." He taps where your heart is. "If she also chooses you, move quickly like I showed. You will have one chance, Y/N."

"How will I know if she chooses me?" You ask.

"She will try to kill you." He answers casually.

"Outstanding." You mumble.

I See You (Male Neytiri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now