Born a second time

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"You are Omatikaya now."

"Haven't gotten lost in the woods, have you?" Quaritch comes into the room. "Your last report was more than a two weeks ago." He takes a chair and sits in front of you. "I'm starting to doubt your resolve."

You look away from him a moment.

"The way I see it, it's time to terminate the mission." He says and you head whips toward him.

"No, I can do this." You tell him.

"You already have." He tells you. "You give me good, usable intel. Oh, this Tree of Souls place. Yeah, I got them by the bald with that." He says and you put on a fake smile. "When this turns into a shit fight, which it will. Yeah. Now it's time to come in."

He claps your shoulders, proud of your work and you look down. Feeling guilt and regret tie your stomach in knots.

"By the way." He says and you just hum in question. "You gonna get your legs back."

You look up at him. Mixed emotions flowing through you.

"Yeah. I got your corporate approval. It's a done deal. Gonna have you on a shuttle tonight. I'm a man of my word."

"I gotta finish this." You tell him and he frowns. "There's one more thing. Ceremony. It's, uh.. it's the final step. If I do it, I'm one of them. And they'll trust me. And I can negotiate the terms of their relocation." You tell him.

Quaritch steps up and puts the chair back before turning to you.

"Well, then you better get it done, corporal." He says and leaves.


A woman from the village is painting your body with white paint.

"The Na'vi say that every person is born twice."

You walk up the stairs after being done with the ritual.

"The second time, is when you earn your place among the people forever."

Neyt and Grace was talking with some children when the kids suddenly saw you and stood up. They follow their line of sight and sees you.

Slowly they stand up too.

Neyt looks at you in awe. Not just at how beautiful you look but how proud he feels for you. How much he has realised he's come to love you. Admiration at how you have grown over the time spent with them.

Grace glances at Neyt, seeing his expression filled with love and admiration.

Looking around the place your eyes land on Neyt. The look on his face taking your breath away.

He steps up to you slowly, looking you up and down before staring at your face. He then nods in the direction of where his father is waiting for you.

You step up to the Ole'eyktan

(Speaking in Na'vi, must find a translation.)

Eytucan puts his hands on your shoulder and then Neyt does too, along with Mo'at. Then everyone else comes closer and puts their hands on their shoulders and then each other, making a big crowd around you.

Grace sniffles with a bright smile as she watches the Omatikaya people accept you as one of their own. Proud of you.


Later that day you're running through the forest after Neyt, surrounded by the beautiful bioluminescence making h the e forest glow around you.

Neyt stops and turns to you, making you bump into him, since you had been looking at the beautiful water creatures swimming in the water below the branch you were on.

I See You (Male Neytiri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now