Don't Swear to God, He never asked you

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I sat at my window looking at the beach and waves rolling onto the shore. Although it was beautiful, I wasn't in the mood for sunshine this morning.

Suddenly, the view changed to a green foggy forest and rain. I smiled and walked over and sat on my bed.

"That seems much more fitting for your mood this morning.". I turned and looked to see my brother Zyran standing in the doorway. He was leaning on the jam like he was the coolest guy in the world. He is not.

"I am not looking forward to my meeting with Uncle Luke later.", I answered.

"Oh it must be so tough. You are about to turn 25 and gain all this power and become the crown princess. Forgive me if I am not more sympathetic."

Zyran is actually the most supportive brother I could ever ask for. He just likes to push my buttons. He is my younger brother after all.

"It's a lot of pressure Zy."

"I will show you pressure!", he yells as he runs and leaps in the air to pounce on me. I wave my hand quickly through the air and he freezes mid air.

I guess this is the best time to introduce myself and explain a bit about what's going on. No worries, Zyran will be just fine hanging out there for a few.

My name is Haven Ashbourne. I was born and raised in Hell. Like the literal Hell. Opposite of Heaven Hell. Fire and brimstone Hell.

I have mostly been raised in a casino in Las Vegas called The Pandemonium. The portal to Hell is directly below it. My Uncles run the hotel and casino. My father is more of a loner and he runs some outside businesses. Zyran and I had a great childhood. We went to the regular public schools and had normal human friends along with learning all about Hell and demons and all that. Our bedrooms are in Hell but before you get to all the nasty stuff. We are still below the casino so Uncle Luke made our windows magic and we can change them to see whatever we like.

I am Half-Demon and Half-Human. My mom died when I was a month old. My brother is all demon. My father remarried. I adore my stepmother.

I have actually had a pretty normal upbringing. Okay, with the exception that my father and his "brothers" are the Seven Princes of Hell. Yes they each represent one of the seven deadly sins. My Uncle Luke is the one in charge.

Here is a quick history lesson:

One day, the Seven Princes of Hell decided that they were bored reigning in Hell. Lucifer had been noticing that this small desert town in Nevada was starting to grow in popularity. People were building hotels and gambling establishments. Mammon saw the money to be made. Asmodeus saw the possibility of the sin that could be committed. Satan knew all this would bring great wrath among humanity. The others agreed and they started planning. Knowing they still needed to be in Hell at a moments notice, they built a smaller hotel/casino on the southern part of town. They took on human names and human bodies and started growing the business. By the time I was born, it was a multi-billion dollar resort with businesses all over town including charities they gave greatly to since they didn't really need anything. Remember, they were all Angels once.

Somethings about my Uncle's and my father:

They are all good looking.
They are all charming.
They are not really evil unless they need to be.
They are all tall.
They may be fallen angels, but they are still kinda doing God's work making sure TRUE sinners are punished.
They all dress nice.
They are immortal.
And they adore me because I am the first of this generation born.

Now my father and I aren't as close as I wish. My stepmother says it's because I look like my mother so much. I have her light purple eyes. I guess he really loved her. Everyone did. Even my stepmother.

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