I hate people when they're not polite

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Zyran and I exited the elevator. It opens into a small vestibule guarded by one of Satan's security guards.  Today it was being guarded by Deyania.  Zyran's crush since he was about 17 years old.  She is super sweet and very nice.  I spar with her when training in martial arts and she is also a mega fierce fighter.

"Good morning Deyania. It is so nice to see you this morning." Deyania turned and smiled wide.

"Hey you two!  Headed to breakfast?" I noticed that my brother was looking at the ground or anywhere else than at Deyania.  I kicked his foot.

"Ouch! Um, ya, breakfast.". Zyran barely got out.  I rolled my eyes.

"Haven, you are starting your training with the princes soon aren't you?" Deyania asked.

"Yes.  I have a meeting with Uncle Luke later this morning to go over the schedule and whatnot."

"Satan asked some of us security gals if we would be available to help if needed, so I signed up."

"Oh that is awesome!  Thanks De!"

"Well you guys have a great breakfast and the rest of your day!"

"You too De.". I said as I started to walk away.  Suddenly I heard my brother talk and could barely believe my ears.

"Deyania,  you look very beautiful today."

"Why thank you Zyran!  You have made my whole day!". She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.  Zyran turned so red I thought he might be turning into his demon form. 

"Um, ya, okay, bye." Zyran walked off.

"Sorry about him Deyania."

"Oh Haven don't worry!  I know about Zyran's crush.  I have for years.  Actually,  I think your brother is great!  He's very sweet. And very easy on the eyes. He just needs to get over his shyness and ask me out already!" She said giggling.  I had never heard her giggle like that.

"Well, good to know!  Talk to you soon!". I walked away smiling.  I caught up to Zyran.

"I am such an idiot Haven."

"One no you are not l. And two ask her out, you may be surprised."

"What? I can barely look at her.  How can I ask her out?". We got to the coffee shop and we were seated by the hostess.

"She would say yes." I said, not even looking at the menu because I always got the same thing.  Avocado toast with poached eggs.  I am a creature of habit. 

"And how do you know this?" Zyran also ignored the menu.  He always got a stack of pancakes with eggs, sausage, bacon and hash browns.  Good thing demons didn't worry about calories or cholesterol.

"Because she told me so." Before he could react a waitress who has known us our whole lives came by with drinks for us.  For Zyran black coffee and for me a white chocolate mocha with caramel.

"Thanks Bethany." I said smiling at her.

"No problem for my two favorite demons!  Your breakfast will be out shortly." Bethany messed the top of Zyran's hair and squeezed my hand.  A lot of the staff that have been here for a long time, are either from Hell themselves or my Uncle Luke has trust enough to let them in on the truth of with goes on here.  Bethany is actually a black magic witch.  Why she works as a waitress in a casino also is beyond me.

"Are you fucking with me Haven?" Zyran asked getting back to our conversation.

"She told me you are great and sweet and," as I gagged,"hot."

"She thinks I am hot? I noticed he sat up a little straighter.

"Yes.  But I don't want to think about someone thinking my little brother is hot."

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