Y2V4.5: The Heat of Summer

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Cellphones were handed back to all of us. Sometimes I start to wonder how I went 14 years without one. Even with Matsuo, there was rarely a moment I was interested in it. The students were overjoyed, ecstatic at being able to hold a device that didn't show a leaderboard or tasks varied around an expansive island.

The cruise ship was gracefully sailing across the ocean waters, undeterred by the waves in its path. There were some areas we couldn't access, but I wasn't disappointed. Summer vacation's heat was beating down on my skin, but it felt oddly different from last year.

Until 2 years ago, the concept of a summer was a foreign concept, and a vacation? Alien. I still wasn't going to be dancing down the halls singing its praises, but I do enjoy the change in routine. Looking back at this semester, so much had already happened. It was so packed with experiences that it feels like living 2 years in 3 months. In every regard, this year felt incomparable to the last.

Hopefully, this time on the cruise ship would be enjoyable. I don't have to worry about an exam, I can simply just relax, something I haven't been able to do in a while. Is this the kind of peaceful life I wanted? Maybe. Still, there are always targets on my back, always people against me, and I have to live with that fact.

By the end of this year, I wonder how many more enemies I will have made. Maybe there would be more students that try to expel me, or maybe more adults that infiltrate the school to take me down.

Summer vacation's warmth was beating down on me, and all I could do was sigh.

I had made a promise to myself at the beginning of this year, and I will do everything in my power to keep pursuing it.

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