Y2V3: The White Room Student

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Leaving my dorm, I began to make my way east. I'd never been there before, so I was interested in seeing what was there. 

'Make your way to Doyle's bar'

It seems like today is the day I discover the White Room student's identity.

The maps feature on our phones is only calibrated to show things within the school's border, so it was easy to find. Within the East, the landscape was pretty unique.

There was a large staircase that allowed you to see most of the Eastern area when you were at the peak. There were walkways with shops lined across either side, but there was one thing I found more interesting than that.

A port.

It seemed like it was an import site. The sparkling ocean under the reflection of the orange sunset was quite beautiful.


I turned around and found Yagami from 1-B present.

"Nice to see you again, Yagami."

"Were you looking at the sunset?"

I nodded, "It was pretty striking. But the attractiveness is lessened by the piles of supply crates there."

Right across from the port were many multi-coloured crates stacked in rows. The rusty metal, the dirt across the sides, it kind of brought down the view. It rained the other day quite heavily, so the dirt's all gone a dark brown. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a fish market here sometimes.

Yagami chuckled, "Ha, I guess so. It's still quite pleasant, though. What brings you here?"

"Ah, just meeting someone."

Yagami nodded, "Same here."

I proceeded to go down the staircase, finding that it wasn't paved near the ground.

Gravel, my old friend.

I looked at my phone for a moment, and it seemed it was at the far right, inside an alleyway.

You have such a large space to pick from and this is the spot you pick?

"Are you heading this way as well?" Yagami asked.

"Yeah, looks like it's in the far right. Practically near the border."

It looks like the gravel area had only to do with the port section that comes right after the staircase. After you turned right, it gradually became paved.

"I can see why the school's shuttle services don't work here. It's a bit of a missed opportunity, though."

Within the rest of the school, it wasn't unusual to have some taxis going around. This place was large and hilly, after all.

"Yeah. Maybe they'll do it eventually, there's enough space for it."

That missed opportunity aside, the ocean towards my left was enough to make up for it.

"You seem quite taken with the ocean, senpai. Do you not see it usually?" Yagami asked me.

I wouldn't say I never say it at all.


"I never see it this closely usually. Usually, it's from afar whenever we're in school."

As the tide hits the walls, the ripples within the waves, it was almost hypnotic.

"How nice for you, senpai," Yagami remarked warmly.

The maps say that in a few minutes, I should be there. I thought Yagami was just going the same route as me for a short while, but could it be...

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