Y2V4.5: The Aftermath

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It was now the morning of August 4th. The difficult island exam had ceased just yesterday, and from today to the 11th, we were free to do whatever we wished on the ship. From relaxing in the movie theatre, to cooling off in the expansive swimming pool. Or maybe just growing closer to a special someone as you walk around the deck.

And unlike last year, there would be no surprise exams like the Zodiac, which was nice. I can't imagine how much more challenging it would be with 3 years involved rather than just one.

How am I spending this luxurious, all-expenses-paid vacation, one may ask?

"Now that we're all here, we can begin."

I am with 38 of my classmates in a rented pool, far away from the beating sun and luxury of the outside...

Well, this room itself wasn't that bad, but with there being nearly 40 people in here it can feel a little cramped.

"I've been told there were no injuries on the island, which is a good thing. Alongside there being no expulsions from our class, meaning we won't have to spend the next week trying to get points," Suzune began.

Of course, not all of the students are so lucky to relax. There are 25 that are in a state between enrolment and expulsions, all having the next week until we return to school to secure the points they need to survive. If you were to break it down on a year by year basis, 15 third years, 1 second year, 9 first-years.

The classmates all looked slightly bored at the explanation, but they put up with it, this wouldn't go on for much longer anyway.

Suzune turned her eyes towards the man of the moment, Koenji Rokusuke. The man who had promised to stand at the pinnacle of the school, but fell towards 4th place, not even being on the podium.

"You remember our deal, don't you, Koenji? Since you haven't gotten 1st place, it's now expected that you contribute to class matters without complaint."

I couldn't make his expression out of my current position, which was quite unfortunate.

"Hmm, yes, I suppose so. I'll be sure to do the bare minimum from now on without complaint," Koenji told her casually.

"The bare minimum?"

Koenji nodded, "Of course. Our original deal was that I participate just like every other classmate, and in my mind, they do the bare minimum. Show up to class, do their tasks, and go home. I have no complaint with that."

Suzune let out a small sigh, "So you won't try your best even if you're capable of doing so? I don't think that's quite right."

"Tell me then, if you can honestly look me in the eye and tell me that the rest of these people also try their best every day, every exam, then I'll listen. Do they all give their best, Horikita-girl? Participating, studying, training?"

"What kind of logic is that? Sure, they may not do it every day, but they try their hardest when it counts."

Koenji nodded, "I see. So when the class is in deep trouble, I'll help out to the best of my ability. Until then, bare minimum is what you get, just like everyone else."

A very stoppable force means an immovable object.

Suzune's brow furrowed, looking like she was tired of dealing with his antics, "Then do the bare minimum that is expected of you. But do note, if you do complain and refuse, there are 37 witnesses right here. When another class poll comes, I imagine they won't hesitate."

Ahh, I see now. I was wondering why she had gotten nearly the entire class, but it's obvious now.


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