2014 "Everytime you're lovin' me"

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Arriving to an unknown place was undoubtedly terrifying, even more so when you didn't know the language, or only mastered a few phrases. That was exactly what happened to Hong Joshua who, in order to follow his dream, traveled from one end of the world to the other, crossed oceans and changed his time zone.

The green room welcomed him, and in the blink of an eye he found himself surrounded by a few young people who, like him, wanted to be the rough diamond that the company was going to polish.

The first to speak to him was the leader, a handsome young alpha with black hair and a rubbery smile. It was not difficult for the oldest member of that group of dreamers to become fond of the shy traveler who had just arrived from Los Angeles.

It was not difficult for Joshua to fit in, everyone seemed delighted with his presence and the one of American origin felt delighted to be accepted by them.

However, there was one encounter that made the difference, after the entrance of a clueless teenager, the one with eyes similar to those of a deer swore he saw how the room darkened and the newcomer shone.

Like a magnet he was drawn to the stranger who seemed so familiar to him, his approach was almost natural, and something in his heart stirred, they exchanged names, they smiled at each other, that was only the beginning of the turbulent flight which Joshua would board.

Under the light of the moon they both cried when they thought they were failing, under the light of the sun they both screamed in euphoria when they triumphed in each test by leaving their blood, sweat and tears behind.

His days were filled with the name of that boy to whom he had clung like a castaway to a raft.

Joshua just let himself be carried away by his instincts, following Jeonghan back and forth, carelessly holding his hand, intertwining their fingers. Daring to kiss the eldest's cheek every morning when they saw each other. Many in the group were beginning to talk about the constant rapprochement between the newcomers who always seemed locked in their bubble.

It was on a cold December morning when Jeonghan noticed his clothes covered in a strong aroma similar to marshmallows with a hint of cookies, he swore he could go crazy from the sweetness and how he suddenly craved trying a smore. Next to him was Joshua who timidly hid in the space between his neck and his shoulder, taking refuge from the cold.

For his part, Joshua could only become intoxicated with the aroma of Nuts that the older emanated, making him feel safe, reducing the distance between them.

Like a gust of wind, lucidity hit the mind of the older of the two. Joshua was presenting himself as an omega and he as an alpha.

The one with angelic features was not a fool not to guess what was going through the managers' minds.

One of the two would have to submit to the alpha of their pack, if it was not Joshua, they would send him, both ideas displeased Jeonghan, not because the leader was not attractive or was not a good person but because he saw him as a friend and even as a brother.

Jeonghan had some idea of what the company planned to do with him by recommending that he let his hair grow and even take maximum care of his appearance. They wanted him to pretend to be an omega, he cursed under his breath and could not verify the exact moment in which he dragged the foreign omega to his room, locking them both in it.

Joshua did not understand what was happening, his mind had a single word in mind which was nothing more than the name of the last name Yoon.

So much so that he didn't pay attention to that sudden change in temperature, going from the cold of the green room to the warmth of Jeonghan's room.

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