the mark "I've said remember this moment"

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It was a practice day like any other and in that room where the walls were mirrors, the idol group practiced since the early hours, with the aim of making sure everything was perfect for their tour.

Seungkwan kept complaining about the heat to Minghao who shared his iced tea with him. The air conditioning was on but the heat was hellish at that time of year, and Joshua struggled with it just like the others, only in his case it would be more complicated when he's wearing a turtleneck sweater. The simple reason, Jeonghan and he had agreed to hide the fact that they had officially mated up even though the rest of the group knew about their relationship. In a corner of the room the three leaders were practicing their unit's new song, the cherry-scented alpha looked better, and just for that reason both the angelic-faced alpha and the feline-eyed omega agreed on that decision.

Jisoo battled with the heat again, he was sure that the mark on his neck must be irritated by the friction of the thick fabric and the sweat. Excusing himself, he left in the direction of the bathroom where, once inside, he removed his sweater, leaving him in a comfortable cotton shirt. He washed his hands before bringing them to his neck, refreshing his mark, as soon as he arrived at his apartment he would apply a cold water compress.

The doe eyed omega checked his appearance a few times before putting the sweater back on and was stopped in his action by Seungcheol.

Had he seen his mark? The question soon tormented Jisoo's mind, who had no idea what to say.

"You don't have to hide your mating mark." The alpha said carefully, surprising the marshmallow-scented one.


The older male shook his head gently, taking a couple of steps towards the younger and taking one of his hands.

"Joshua, you don't have to apologize for anything, Jeonghan and you love each other and I became obsessed with the idea of pleasing the fans and giving them the ending they wanted to see, without respecting your relationship. I was terrible not only to you but to myself, distorting concepts by believing that I was in love with Jeonghan, when I only saw him as a safe place, trying to hate you for being the one Jeonghan chose above all else, when in reality I wanted us to be friends again from before this badly told story will begin."

The one with dark hair began to speak with a shakily voice, strengthening his grip on the others hands.

"Now I look at my tears and I realize that what I saw as a home was not, I lost my Best friends, I lost myself. Joshua I..."

The leader of Seventeen took a deep breath trying to calm himself while he wanted to prevent tears from beading his cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I'm deeply sorry."

One of the Joshua's hands that he was holding moved away, resting on his cheek, cleaning the stubborn tears, with such delicacy before pulling the older man into a hug, the omega also beginning to cry.

"I'm sorry too, when you were dating Jeonghan I didn't hesitate to seduce him, I was angry with everyone and I took my revenge enjoying what they forbade me so much, but I couldn't help but feel guilty after that. I took things for granted, and I didn't struggle to understand you."

Jisoo expressed emphasizing each word.

"Cheol, you had too much pressure on your shoulders, I wouldn't have gotten to where I am without each of the boys, without you. I didn't bother to know the reason why you did what you did. You are the best of leaders and I want this nonsense to end, I don't want to act like we are strangers."

Joshua's words caused the two to join in a hug, laughing as they separated at the sight of their cheekbones bathed in tears from children and adults.

They were trying, and life was like that, they both left their blood, sweat and tears on that floor full of streamers and glitter.

The omega extended his hand to the cherry-scented alpha and he took it before leaving that bathroom, saying goodbye to the pain, wishing for a long life for the kingdom that they would build together with a little magic, a little courage to face dragons, and the memories that they were willing to create.

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